Overcoming News, Summer 2024 – Person and Damage

The mosaics of the Officina dell’Arte in Gorizia, waiting for “GO! 2025”
“The meaning of this exhibition is to represent the expectation of people who are waiting for the great event that will involve Gorizia next year, namely “GO! 2025-Nova Gorica-Gorizia European Capital of Culture””: this is what the Fondazione Bambini e Autismo of Pordenone says, presenting the exhibition “MO! Inclusion”, which will be inaugurated on August 30 in Gorizia and will be open until September 15, collecting mosaics created together by people with neurodiversity and neurotypicals of the Officina dell’Arte, a structure that is part of the network of services of the same Fondazione Bambini e Autismo

Go to sea in a fully accessible sailing catamaran
The Pisan sections of UILDM (Italian Union for the Fight against Muscular Dystrophy) and UICI (Italian Union for the Blind and Partially Sighted) participated in the project “Velasenzabarriere”, promoted by the Fondazione Mare Oltre. Both found the experience on board “Elianto”, the catamaran completely accessible to people with disabilities, exciting, and each of them wanted to tell it in their own way, with images or words.

The story of Adele and Oliver, a fairy tale novel that “opens” the Paralympics
In the run-up to the 2024 Paralympics, which will open tomorrow, August 28, in Paris, the release of the fairy tale novel “Adele and Oliver. The Wind of Dreams” by Paul Sterling stands out, which with a gripping rhythm addresses issues such as sport, disability, diversity, inclusion, love for animals and the importance of believing in one’s dreams. The young protagonist’s dream, in fact, is precisely that of participating in the Paralympics. «A positive, motivational reading – writes Anna Maria Gioria – that makes you aware of the fortune of your condition»

Three Former Montecatone Patients at the Paris Paralympics
There will also be three former patients of the Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute of Imola (Bologna), the well-known reference structure for the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury or serious brain injury, engaged in the Paris Paralympics, namely Carlotta Ragazzini and Giada Rossi in table tennis and Stefano Travisani in archery. Their results are also the fruit of the work that the Montecatone operators, in synergy with the technicians of the Paralympic Committee, carry out daily towards the hospitalized people, making them aware of and practicing various Paralympic sports

The repressed and the (collective) unconscious of school inclusion
“Can an essential service – writes Paola Di Michele, among other things, taking inspiration from a recent, controversial ruling of the Council of State – an incompressible right such as that of the education of students with disabilities be delegated to Territorial Authorities, with all that that ruling highlights? Can it still be conceived that a service linked to the student’s fulfillment as a person, in the context of a life project, can be fragmented, applied in various ways, named in various ways according to the territory in which, blamelessly, that student is given to be born?”

From music to sports, disability is no longer “special”
“The apology is very good,” commented AIPD president Salbini, regarding the incident involving Antonello Venditti during a concert in Puglia, “because everyone can make mistakes and we shouldn’t create “monsters.” However, we must understand that words have great power, especially if they are pronounced by public figures and, as the father of the girl involved emphasized, disability is not “special.” So, perhaps this is the first term – suggested in the ear of the singer-songwriter on stage – that we should eliminate when talking about people with disabilities.”

Discounts on telephone services also for people with serious walking limitations
Through a recent Resolution, AGCOM (Communications Regulatory Authority) has extended to people with serious walking limitations the telephone concessions already provided for people with hearing and vision disabilities. In detail, the concessions recognized include a 50% discount on the base price of voice and data offers on landline and mobile networks

Women and children with disabilities: what should be in the Third Action Programme
In the wide and important study that we present today, Giampiero Griffo details a series of specific lines of action that should be included in the new Action Program of the National Observatory on the Condition of Persons with Disabilities, with the aim first of all of bridging, or at least reducing, the gender gap that is also recorded among persons with disabilities, as well as to better focus attention on the rights of minors with disabilities.



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