Overcoming Hydrophobia: Symptoms and Treatment for Fear of Water

2023-09-05 23:46:03

© Are you afraid of water? It is hydrophobia, of which here are the symptoms and the treatment

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L’hydrophobie, or fear of water, is more common than it seems. For now, there are no official figures yet. Nevertheless, it is said that 10% of the French population suffers from this phobia. And this inevitably increases during the summer season.

An irrational and excessive fear which, beyond the cognitive symptoms (catastrophic or unrealistic thoughts), also manifests itself physically:


The fear of water is therefore an anxiety disorder that usually appears in childhood. However, it normally disappears over the years. To read What is the gemstone of people born in September and what does it mean? Here is the answer

However, if the characteristics of the fear (in terms of duration, frequency and intensity) are too high, it is important to start working on the problem. Indeed, it can worsen over time and even limit the social life of the person concerned.

However, sometimes the phobia is not necessarily disabling. The phobia of the water can range from fear of drowning to refusal to drink fluids. In other cases, some people avoid showering.

As psychologist Ana Gómez Peña explains to “Guías de Salud”, fear of water is very common among children. This “because these are usually unexpected situations to which they have rarely been exposed”.

Moreover, “there is a theory that a biological element of survival encourages us to be careful in the water, to avoid drowning”.

How to overcome the fear of water in the middle of summer?

According to Mr. Gómez Peña, the most effective strategy is to face the phobia of water, “even if it scares us”. To read 3 eyebrow models that instantly add 10 years to you and that you should never use

First, avoiding what is frightening reduces anxiety related to the feared stimulus. However, this is only useful in the short term.

“In the long term, avoiding situations that generate a feeling of incapacity causes the fear to become greater and greater. Relaxation, which is a response incompatible with fear and anxiety, can make it easier to face the feared situation”.

But where to start ?

You must first expose yourself to the feared scenes, and do so gradually. Thus, we gradually get used to the presence of water in our environment.

“It’s an expensive process and there are always excuses not to face the fear, but with motivation and focusing on small goals, you can improve.

The psychologist gives us an example of how we might act when faced with water:

“To understand a bit how it works, let’s take the example of a person who is terrified of the sea, because it is deep. One can start, for example, with an exhibition in the imagination, simulating the smell of the sea and even the noise. Gradually, as the anxiety decreases, one can move on to larger surfaces. The last step would be to start going to the seaside or taking a boat ride without having to swim, until the anxiety subsides”.

Jumping into the pool is not a good idea.

The psychologist points out that “exposing yourself directly to fear can be positive, but it always depends on the person and the risks they may run”.

However, she warns, the fear of water can be very paralyzing and we can put the person in danger.

“That’s why it’s essential to know that the person is swimming and to gradually get used to the fear. This means that if a person has a specific phobia of the sea, we can put them in danger by pushing them. We always have to keep in mind the safety conditions and the fact that we can help them with flotation devices, armbands…”.

In the case of children, we can start with aquatic activities, such as playing in the bathtub. Thus, they gradually gain more confidence in the water. “It will teach them that they can have fun while being careful.”

It’s an easy way for them to adapt to the unknown. Indeed, “it is generally easier to work with children because they are more plastic and more resistant”.

“It’s important to tolerate the child’s fear, because it’s normal, and to teach him that he can do things with fear, that it’s not something he should avoid.

When should you consult a professional?

“Everyone is aware that they are not going to drown, but these fears are not rational and avoid the water at any time can even become a hygiene problem, since it affects all aspects of life, ”emphasizes the specialist.

There are specific cases that require the intervention of a professional to counter the fear of water. It occurs when this problem begins to affect the person in their social, professional, family or personal life. “It’s not an easy path, but in general the prognosis is good.

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