Overcoming Food Overdose: Tips for Digestive Recovery After a Big Meal

2023-12-30 09:32:36

Yes, this article is indecent: we are going to talk about food overdose. Because tomorrow is the big night. You have everything prepared. Your sequined dress, your bow tie and… your stomach. Foie gras, gougères, oysters, re-foie gras, the meal promises to be as endless as it is gargantuan. Like every year, you risk finding yourself sweaty, exhausted, your pants unbuttoned and your stomach like that of a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy.

“A meal that is too large can completely saturate the digestive system,” explains Laurent Beaugerie, professor of gastroenterology at Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris. The job of the stomach is to deliver food that has already been somewhat digested to the intestine. This emptying of the stomach can be slowed down by several phenomena and the most important is fatty foods. »

Do not lie down

In the event of an overflow in the stomach, the latter is no longer able to do its job properly and this causes indigestion. Then comes “very strong nausea, heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of unease, sweating, even vomiting”, lists the doctor. And we’re sorry to tell you this, but you’re going to have to endure. “There is no drug or miracle pill that helps empty the stomach more quickly,” says the gastroenterologist. His only advice: stop eating and drinking alcohol as soon as you feel you can’t take it anymore.

If you have already gone too far, to avoid making your condition worse, avoid rolling from the table to your bed. “In a lying position, the stomach and the esophagus are at the same height and this promotes the reflux mechanism,” explains Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache, nutritionist. To avoid feeling like vomiting, wait two hours after the end of the meal before lying down. And when you do, favor the semi-sitting position.

If it is preferable, between two meals, to walk and get some fresh air, taking advantage of this down time to do a jogging session is not necessarily wise. “We advise against intense and brutal physical activity,” continues the doctor. The bikini body goal is for a long time (and then, we remind you, it can be dangerous).

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Listen to yourself

If there is not much to do in the hours following the meal, the nutritionist puts forward some ideas for afterward. “Eat foods low in fat, salt and sugar, rehydrate and avoid alcohol, fruit juices and bubbles. Choose green tea, herbal teas, rosemary and ginger which help digestion. »

Basically, rest your liver. “I also advise favoring vegetables and fruits rich in anti-oxidant vitamins, vitamins A and C, such as kale, fennel, leek, artichoke, celery, black radish or broccoli. On the fruit side, lemon, kiwi and pineapple are also interesting. » And then, obviously, listen to yourself. After a festive meal, our body often sends us the right signals.

If you want to help, the doctor also recommends taking betaine citrate, a medication used to treat difficult digestion. Although adopted by many accustomed to excess, it has never been irrefutably proven. “No grandmother’s remedy has scientifically shown its effectiveness against indigestion,” insists the gastroenterologist. Prevention is better than cure, therefore. And we don’t want to seem like a killjoy, but the best way to avoid being at the end of your life is still to eat in (a little) moderation.

#Hydration #physical #activity #medication #survive #heavy #meal

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