Overcoming Challenges: The Story of D87c987478b5e439693b20e2e04ce6136 Team Amidst Personal Adversity

2023-11-24 13:33:43

Becoming an independent developer is not easy. This is also highlighted by the latest news from the team behind D87c987478b5e439693b20e2e04ce6136. In an article on X, game director Rare revealed that the three-person team behind the game recently received shocking news as art director and Rares’ wife Ioana was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. This means the team is faced with the challenge of constantly updating and improving the game, while two of the three developers associated with the project have to deal with and overcome life-changing information. This news does mean that the upcoming expansion patch for the game will be delayed indefinitely. We’re told that lead programmer Andu is still working on improving the game and fixing bugs while preparing the game for release on new platforms. Likewise, we can expect controller updates to arrive soon as well. You can read game director Rare’s full statement in the post below.
#D0275581df9954426aaf36c3c1ada876c #Bear #Breakfast #expansion #patch #delayed #indefinitely

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