The podcast reader Overcast received a big facelift, the most important since its 8 years of existence, even says its developer Marco Arment. Added to this are functional improvements that will have taken a long time to appear.
The first step in changing the look was to review the main screen and that of the playlists, which we use constantly.
The elements are less piled up on top of each other, it breathes more and the playlists – which can be reordered by drag and drop – have a more pleasant visual identity and are better identifiable with their colors and icons. This presentation also facilitates access to the podcasts started to resume their listening, since they are aligned in this view, along with the new episodes posted online.
In his post which detailed Every nook and cranny of this revamp, Arment also cites some long-requested additions, like the feature to mark an episode as read with a side gesture or to list all episodes that have been starred.
Several other improvements affect performance in notifications and downloads in the background of new episodes or when a large number of playlists have been created with enough broadcasts.
A second redesign of the Overcast interface is planned in the long term, it will tackle the screen for reading content and the one displaying a program.