Over-indebtedness: who are the main victims of this scourge in France and Occitanie?

The Banque de France delivered its typological survey on over-indebtedness in 2022. And if, good news, this is down compared to previous years, more than half of the people who filed an over-indebtedness file took the process to the first time in 2022.

Over-indebtedness may be down compared to previous years, but in 2022 it still represents 4.3 billion euros for all households, points out the 2022 over-indebtedness report, published by the Banque de France this February 7.

The figure: 113,000

This is approximately the number of over-indebtedness files filed with the Banque de France in 2022. In terms of the law, it is defined in the Consumer Code by “the manifest impossibility of meeting all of one’s debts not due and falling due”.

The Banque de France announces a steady decline in debt files, in particular thanks to the Largarde law of 2010, reforming consumer credit.

The profile of people suffering from over-indebtedness is not limited to the most precarious people, the report shows. Besides a situation of “vulnerability at the origin of a situation of poverty”the Banque de France stresses that “However, over-indebtedness also affects households that are not immediately in a fragile situation, but whose resources are limited and whose budget balance is very sensitive to the accidents of life”.

Women, first victims

Overall, women are more affected by over-indebtedness, a proportion which can be explained by the fact that they “often receive lower salaries and are four to five times more likely to be single parents”, notes the Bank of France. And the level of income of people does have a link with over-indebtedness, according to the results of the report, which underlines that “more than two-thirds of over-indebted households have a standard of living below the minimum wage monthly net in 2022″.

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Purchasing power special file: less household over-indebtedness in the region

It also emerges from the study that most of the over-indebted people in 2022 are also tenants of their accommodation (76%). And it should not necessarily be believed that over-indebtedness rhymes with unemployment. “Among the over-indebted people, the socio-professional categories over-represented in relation to their weight in the French population are the employees (31%, versus 15%), workers (22%, once morest 11%) and ‘other people without professional activity’ (28%, once morest 10%)”says the survey.

Which painting in Occitania?

The regions most affected are the Hauts-de-France and the Center-Val-de-Loire. On the other hand, Occitania is not spared and more particularly Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales, departments in which over-indebted households seem to be more numerous.

The Banque de France report also underlines that Occitania, like Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, is relatively spared, despite “equally unfavorable economic and social indicators”than in heavily affected regions, such as Hauts-de-France.

In Occitania, 61.2% of over-indebted households are below the poverty line, in a region where it concerns 16.8% of households, specifies the Banque de France report. The vast majority of over-indebted people in the region do not own their homes, more than 75% of them are tenants.

And like the over-indebtedness in France, women are more affected than men in Occitania too. They represent 54.2% of over-indebted profiles, with the majority of them being in the 35-45 age group.



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