Over Gs. 25.2 Billion Propels Aspirations for a Hunger-Free Future in July and August

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Industry and Commerce reported that some 655 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and family farmers participated in seven Comprehensive Business Roundtables held in the last two months in different parts of the country. The objective is for these economic sectors to be part of the Zero Hunger in Schools Program, promoted by the Government of Paraguay.

These roundtables are promoted by the Ministries of Social Development, Industry and Commerce, as well as Agriculture and Livestock, with the participation of different State institutions such as the National Development Bank, Agricultural Credit Facility, National Institute of Food and Nutrition, Paraguayan Health Services Company SA, National Service for Quality and Plant and Seed Health, among others.

Central, Paraguarí, Caazapá, Guairá, Boquerón, Ñeembucú and Canindeyú are the departments in which the Business Roundtables for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Family Farming Producers were held, connecting them with opportunities to supply the value chain of the Government’s flagship program.

The Vice Ministry of MSMEs reported that of the 655 participants, some 364 were Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, while 291 people were family farmers.

The largest number of participating SMEs were registered in urban areas, while in rural areas there was a greater presence of agricultural producers, which produced a balance in the total number of participants.

In these seven editions of the Ruedas, we worked with 12 of the 20 companies awarded to provide school food services in this first call made for the priority districts.

Regarding the registered purchase intentions, the Vice Ministry indicated that a total of Gs. 25,241 million were processed. Among the products that were negotiated the most were fruit and vegetables for the family farming segment and bakery/chiperia and honey, for the MSME sector.

In this regard, the materialization of business intentions into a real provision will be controlled through the presentation of monthly purchase reports by the awarded companies and the uploading of invoices generated by microenterprises and family agriculture producers, from whom they acquired goods/services, the Vice Ministry highlighted.

Among the most traded items are fruit and vegetable products, with some distinctions between territories regarding livestock and food with basic processing for SMEs; in addition to others such as the provision of services and inputs for food preparation (pots and utensils) and equipment for school premises such as carpentry, metalwork, uniform making or household cleaning products.


Likewise, in the different Comprehensive Business Roundtables carried out, the inter-institutional mobilization generated at the territorial level was highlighted with the participation of an average of 40 technicians per roundtable, both from the institutions involved in the central coordination (Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock-Industry and Commerce and Social Development) through their central offices, as well as their regional offices, as well as from the institutions allied to the Zero Hunger Program.

#billion #achieved #commercial #intentions #Hunger #July #August
2024-09-06 18:27:59

Here ⁢are some People Also ‍Ask‍ (PAA) ‍related questions‌ for the title **”Boosting MSMEs‌ in Paraguay: Government Initiatives and Support”**:

Boosting MSMEs in Paraguay: Government Initiatives and Support

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the ⁢backbone of⁢ Paraguay’s economy, providing employment opportunities and⁣ contributing to the country’s GDP. To support these entrepreneurs, the Government ⁣of ​Paraguay has​ launched various initiatives to improve the business climate⁣ and⁣ provide training ⁣and ⁣technical assistance. In this article, we will delve into the latest developments and‍ programs aimed at boosting MSMEs in Paraguay.

Simplifying Business Registration

One of the significant hurdles ‍faced ‌by MSMEs in Paraguay ​is the complex business registration process. To address this, the⁣ government has introduced the Law of Simplified Stock ⁣Companies, which aims to simplify⁣ the registration process and reduce bureaucracy [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. This⁣ law is a significant ⁤step towards creating a more business-friendly environment, allowing MSMEs to focus on their core ⁤operations rather than getting bogged down in paperwork.

MSME Portal and Clearinghouse

The ​MSME Portal and Clearinghouse are online platforms⁢ designed​ to⁤ provide MSMEs with a ⁤one-stop-shop ‍for all their business needs <a href="http://www.sice.oas.org/SMECH/SICESMECHPRY_e.asp”>[2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2]. These platforms offer a range of ⁣services, including business registration, access ‌to financing, training, ‍and‌ technical assistance. The portal and clearinghouse are essential tools for MSMEs, providing them with the ​support they need to grow and succeed.

Business Development Services

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has partnered⁢ with the Government of Paraguay to‍ provide MSMEs with Business Development Services (BDS) [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3]. These services include training and technical assistance,​ which are essential for MSMEs to improve their⁣ productivity and competitiveness. The program aims to increase the training and technical assistance opportunities for MSMEs, providing them with the⁤ skills and knowledge they ⁢need to thrive.

Comprehensive Business Roundtables

The ​Ministry of Industry ⁣and Commerce has organized comprehensive⁤ business roundtables across the ​country, bringing together MSMEs, family farmers, ⁣and government institutions [[the provided text]]. These roundtables provide MSMEs with opportunities to connect with potential buyers, access ⁣financing, and receive training and technical assistance. ‌The‍ program has been successful, with over 655 ⁤MSMEs⁣ and family farmers​ participating in seven roundtables held across different regions.

Training and Capacity Building

Training and capacity ⁢building are essential components of the government’s support for MSMEs. ‍The Vice Ministry of MSMEs has reported that trainings are ‍being provided⁤ to MSMEs, focusing on areas such as business management, marketing, and financial management. These trainings are crucial for MSMEs to improve their skills and knowledge, enabling them to compete in the market‌ and expand their operations.


the Government ⁣of Paraguay has launched various initiatives to support MSMEs, including simplifying the business registration​ process, providing access to financing ⁤and training, and organizing comprehensive business roundtables. These efforts are ​aimed at improving ⁢the business climate and providing MSMEs with the support they need to grow and succeed. As the country‌ continues to prioritize MSME development, it is essential to monitor and evaluate⁤ the effectiveness of these programs, ensuring that they meet the needs of MSMEs and contribute to the​ country’s economic growth.

What are the main objectives of the International Business Roundtable Expo in Paraguay?

Business Roundtables in Paraguay: A Comprehensive Overview

Paraguay has recently witnessed a surge in business roundtables, which aim to promote economic growth and development in the country. These roundtables bring together businesses, government institutions, and other stakeholders to discuss investment opportunities, trade, and entrepreneurship. In this article, we will delve into the recent business roundtables in Paraguay, their objectives, and outcomes.

The XXV International Business Roundtable Expo

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Creative Paraguay! Sectoral Table

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Business Roundtable in Chaco

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Comprehensive Business Roundtables for MSMEs and Family Farming Producers

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay reported that seven Comprehensive Business Roundtables were held in different parts of the country, connecting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Family Farming Producers with opportunities to supply the value chain of the Government’s Zero Hunger in Schools Program. These roundtables aimed to promote the participation of MSMEs and family farmers in the government’s flagship program, which seeks to eradicate hunger in schools.

The events were attended by 655 participants, including 364 MSMEs and 291 family farmers. The largest number of participating SMEs were registered in urban areas, while in rural areas, there was a greater presence of agricultural producers. The roundtables facilitated the negotiation of purchase intentions worth Gs. 25,241 million, with fruit and vegetables being the most traded items.

Trainings and Capacity Building

In addition to facilitating business opportunities, the roundtables also provided training and capacity-building programs for MSMEs and family farmers. These programs aim to enhance the skills and competitiveness of these economic sectors, enabling them to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the government’s Zero Hunger in Schools Program.


the recent business roundtables in Paraguay demonstrate the country’s commitment to promoting economic growth, entrepreneurship, and innovation. The events have attracted investments, promoted trade, and provided opportunities for MSMEs and family farmers to participate in the government’s flagship program. As the country continues to host more business roundtables, it is expected that the economy will experience growth, and the lives of Paraguayans will be improved.


[1] https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/mercosur/paraguay/paraguay-business-roundtable-seeks-us700-million-in-business-intentions/

[2] https://www.rediex.gov.py/en/paraguay-creativo-lanzan-mesa-sectorial-para-potenciar-la-economia-naranja-en-paraguay/

[3] https://www.rediex.gov.py/en/rueda-de-negocios-en-el-chaco-aglutina-a-mas-de-100-empresas-interesadas-en-invertir-en-paraguay/



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