5 homemade protein shakes that provide energy to start the day

Drinking Protein Shakes Before Bed Can Promote Muscle Growth (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Protein shakes are a popular option for people who exercise to gain muscle mass. Protein is an essential nutrient, and without consuming sufficient amounts, building muscle and strength becomes much more challenging.

Starting at age 30, individuals experience a 3-8% decline in muscle mass per decade, making increased protein intake a potential necessity. Strength training and optimal protein consumption are crucial for maintaining healthy muscles and bones.

While protein requirements vary depending on individual goals, the standard daily recommendation is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, roughly 20 grams per meal. For those aiming to build muscle, nutritionists at the Cleveland Clinic advise nearly doubling this amount.

Strength training and diet are the cornerstones of muscle building. While animal products like meat and eggs are commonly associated with protein intake, a variety of plant-based protein sources are also available.

The combination of a good protein intake and strength training is essential to keep your muscles in top shape (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Experts from Harvard University’s School of Public Health highlight that “protein is found throughout the body: in muscles, bones, skin, hair, and virtually every other part or tissue in the body. It comprises the enzymes that drive many chemical reactions and the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.”

They further explain, “Protein is made of over twenty basic building blocks known as amino acids. Since we don’t store amino acids, our body produces them in two ways: either from scratch or by modifying others. Nine amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine), classified as essential amino acids, must come from food.”

Regarding animal protein, experts recommend regular consumption of fish, which delivers up to 30 grams of protein per 100 grams and is easy to cook and digest. Soy milk serves as a good plant-based protein source, supplying 8 grams of protein per glass. Other sources of plant protein include legumes like peas and tofu, a soy-based product with a texture similar to cheese.

It is advisable to consume proteins throughout the day to optimize their synthesis.

  • Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, each 3-ounce serving provides nearly 22 grams of protein, along with B vitamins and selenium.
  • Chicken breast: Provides regarding 24 grams of protein per 113-gram serving and is also rich in phosphorus, vitamin B6, and selenium.
  • Eggs: An excellent source of protein, it is recommended to consume one egg per day. It is especially beneficial for people with diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Greek yogurt: Great for breakfast, with nearly 20 grams of protein per 7-ounce serving, it’s also rich in calcium and B vitamins.
  • Chickpeas: They provide 14.5 grams of protein per cup and are rich in fiber, helping to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Quinoa: Contains more than 8 grams of protein per cooked cup and is considered a complete protein. It is also rich in fiber and essential nutrients such as zinc.
  • Peanut butter: source of protein and healthy fats, with regarding eight grams of protein per serving (two tablespoons).
  • Cottage cheese: Provides 23 grams of protein per cup, making it an excellent addition to any meal.
  • Nuts and seeds: Walnuts and almonds, besides being rich in protein, have fiber and healthy fats. Other options include hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, or chia seeds.
  • Soy and its derivatives: a large cup of cooked soy offers 28 grams of protein, being rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and essential minerals.

Proteins are vital for the proper functioning of the body, present in muscles, skin, and hair (Illustrative Image Infobae)

  • Coconut and almond smoothie: Almonds offer a high proportion of protein, with 100 grams of them providing around 20% protein. Ingredients: shredded coconut, 20-30 almonds, a pinch of ground cinnamon, a handful of flax seeds, and 250 ml of water (whole milk, yogurt, or a combination of these can also be used). Preparation: Soak the almonds and dried coconut in water overnight. The next day, grind them into a paste. Put the paste in the blender. Add the recommended liquids and the other ingredients. Sprinkle with extra cinnamon, if desired.
  • Banana smoothie: rich in natural sugars and potassium, ideal for recovering the body following training. Ingredients: Two bananas, 500 ml of milk, three tablespoons of oats, 5 boiled eggs. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can add ice.
  • Walnut smoothie: ideal for consuming carbohydrates that are digested quickly to recover following training. Ingredients: 355 ml of lactose-free milk, 1/2 glass of water, low-fat yogurt, 3 cooked egg whites, 50 grams of walnuts, and a banana. Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until smooth.
  • Chocolate Banana Smoothie – One of the best homemade protein shake recipes. Ingredients: One ripe banana, two ice cubes (optional), one tablespoon of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of protein powder, two tablespoons of peanut butter, water, almond milk, cow’s milk, or yogurt (as a mixing base). Preparation: Blend all ingredients until smooth. The choice of the mixing base influences the calorie content of the shake.
  • Egg shake: one of the most natural and effective protein shakes for gaining muscle mass. Ingredients: one liter of milk, three egg whites (preferably cooked), three tablespoons of oats, and one banana. Blend all the ingredients to obtain a 100% protein shake based on eggs.
  • Consuming post-workout protein shakes is beneficial for muscle recovery (Illustrative image Infobae)

    Like fats and carbohydrates, proteins are an essential macronutrient for the body. Muscle itself acts as a protein reserve, as it cannot be stored in any other organ.

    Natural protein shakes are an ideal complement to a physical exercise routine. Foods like bananas, almonds, walnuts, and oats are commonly used ingredients, but many other options offer great benefits. Vegetables can also be incorporated, providing versatility in flavor and allowing customization based on individual needs.

    While various theories exist regarding the best time to consume protein shakes for optimal results, the reality is that benefits can be derived from these supplements regardless of the time of intake. Depending on specific objectives:

    • Muscle building: To promote muscle development, consuming a protein shake before bed is advisable. This is because muscle growth primarily occurs during rest periods, not during exercise sessions.
    • Strength training: To maximize the benefits of strength training, it is recommended to take a protein shake before exercise. This approach helps balance the body, favoring protein synthesis, which is crucial for muscle mass growth.
    • Post-workout recovery: Consuming protein shakes following a workout assists in providing essential nutrients for immediate muscle recovery. After intense exercise, muscles demonstrate a greater capacity to absorb protein compared to other times.

    Drinking Protein Shakes Before Bed Can Promote Muscle Growth

    Protein shakes are a popular choice for many people who exercise, as they provide a convenient way to boost their protein intake and support muscle growth. While the benefits of protein shakes are well-established, there is some debate as to whether consuming them before bed can optimize muscle development.

    Understanding the Role of Protein in Muscle Growth

    Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle growth and repair. When you exercise, you cause microscopic tears in your muscle fibers. These tears are then repaired during the recovery phase, and this repair process involves protein synthesis. The more protein you consume, the more efficiently your body can rebuild and strengthen those muscle fibers.

    While most people are aware of the importance of protein in general, it is particularly crucial during the nighttime hours. This is because your body produces growth hormone (GH) mainly during sleep. GH promotes muscle growth and repair.

    The Case for Pre-Sleep Protein Intake

    Some research suggests that consuming protein before bed may enhance muscle protein synthesis during sleep. This is because it elevates amino acid levels in your bloodstream, making them readily available to muscles for repair and growth.

    Here are some of the key benefits of drinking a protein shake before bed:

    Maximizing Muscle Recovery and Growth

    During sleep, your body is in a catabolic state, meaning it breaks down muscle tissue. Consuming protein before bed can help to counteract this catabolism and promote anabolism (muscle building).

    Enhancing Growth Hormone Production

    As mentioned earlier, GH production is elevated during sleep. Research suggests that pre-sleep protein intake may boost GH levels, further supporting muscle growth.

    Preventing Muscle Breakdown

    Protein shakes can provide your body with essential amino acids needed to repair and maintain muscle tissue, especially during the overnight fast. This can prevent muscle breakdown and ensure your muscles are ready to rebuild following your next workout.

    Improved Sleep Quality

    Some studies suggest that protein intake before bed may improve sleep quality by helping to regulate blood sugar levels and reducing hunger pangs.

    Practical Tips for Pre-Sleep Protein Shakes

    Here are some tips for incorporating a pre-sleep protein shake into your routine:

    Choose the Right Protein Source

    Whey protein is a popular choice for post-workout shakes, but casein protein is often recommended for pre-sleep intake as it digests slowly and provides a sustained release of amino acids throughout the night.

    Keep It Light

    Avoid adding large amounts of sugar or unhealthy fats. Focus on protein and a small amount of healthy carbohydrates, such as fruit or oats.

    Timing is Key

    Aim to consume your protein shake regarding 30-60 minutes before bed to allow for digestion.

    Case Studies and First-Hand Experiences

    While research on pre-sleep protein shakes is ongoing, numerous athletes and fitness enthusiasts have reported positive results from incorporating this strategy into their routines.

    Many individuals who consistently consume protein shakes before bed note improvements in their muscle recovery, strength gains, and overall physique.


    While more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of pre-sleep protein intake, there is growing evidence that this practice can be beneficial for promoting muscle growth and recovery, particularly when combined with a consistent training program and a balanced diet.

    If you’re looking to optimize your muscle building efforts and experience the potential benefits of nighttime protein intake, it is always wise to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a registered dietitian. They can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific needs and goals.



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