Outdated Trains in Belgium: Urgent Need for Modernization and Passenger Comfort

2023-06-16 05:14:00

Among the trains running on the Belgian network, some are over 40 years old, according to figures obtained by the deputy from the Federal Minister for Mobility, Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo). SNCB wanted to take some trains out of service last year but was forced to wait for the delivery of an order in progress for new rolling stock.

”Travelers complain about trains that look more like ovens than comfortable transportation. With temperatures exceeding 30°C and old trains without air conditioning, these complaints are hardly surprising”, believes Jef Van den Bergh, for whom this is not without risk for the health, well-being and safety of travellers.

The member in the House pleads for more investment in modern trains.

In an open letter, the Independent Railway Workers’ Union (SIC) recently denounced the harsh conditions on some trains due to the heat.

For its part, the SNCB explains that currently nearly 30% of seats do not have air conditioning. By 2026, this share will drop to 20%, while no more trains should be without air conditioning by 2032. In addition, trains without air conditioning are assigned to the least frequented lines and as P trains. , whose number of daily trips is limited.

Additional trains chartered to the Coast this weekend to cope with the crowds

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