Outbreak Diary: Chronicling the Societal Impact of Coronavirus – Christian Lehmann Dossier

2023-11-19 14:29:45

Outbreak Diary

Article reserved for subscribers

Epidemic journal, by Christian LehmanndossierChristian Lehmann is a doctor and writer. For “Libération”, he chronicles a society long affected by the coronavirus. Today, he returns to the latest opinion of the Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks, which finally seems, unlike the executive, to come out of denial.

The publication on November 7 of the opinion of the Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks on the post-Covid syndrome and the medical, social and economic issues of its management was welcomed by associations of patients suffering from Covid long, accustomed until now to confronting the very French denial of this pathology. This is in fact reduced by a number of doctors to a “bodily distress syndrome” essentially affecting women “who have very little risk of developing serious Covid. When we study their profile, they are often anxious, perfectionist personalities, with a tendency towards catastrophism, with a hyperfocus on fluctuating symptoms, which disappear when distracted,” assures Professor Eric Caumes in an interview with Doctissimo. This hysterization of long Covid has long served the government which, following considering the arrival of omicron in January 2022 as a chance for the entire population to acquire hybrid immunity, estimated that with the approach of a presidential election that the pandemic was behind us.

The Committee for Monitoring and Anticipation of Health Risks (Covars) – of which we can legitimately wonder what it has anticipated so far by never taking p

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