Out of the Box: Ruegg

Some watch companies are specialized in the ultra small. Ruegg, on the contrary, manufactures much larger clocks than the models it reproduces. These clocks are installed on the fronts of watch shops, at sports meetings or in institutions. The main brands of the Jura Arc call on Ruegg in order to shine throughout the world. However, “if it has the image of a watch, it does not work in the same way”, underlines Daniel Lenherr, administrator of the company chaux-de-fonnière.

“When we place such clocks outside, we use guidance systems that keep them on time by radio control or GPS”. Ruegg also produces other objects intended for the decoration of watch shops: door handles with the brand logo, jewelry mirrors and even brooches. The day we met Daniel Lenherr, around seventy brass floor decorations were in production for the Geneva University Hospitals.

When we talk regarding the impressive clocks that adorn the biggest watch brands and are produced by Ruegg, Daniel Lenherr’s pride is not concealed. It is also shared with the family now, since his son Ludovic joined the company last year: “We recognize our clocks by the quality”. /add



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