Out Comesaña: DIM made a decision after losing to October 9 for Sudamericana

Independiente de Medellín has already made its decision after seeing how it fell to October 9 in the Conmebol Sudamericana

May 03, 2022 11:35 p.m.

Colombia exploded with anger at seeing how the DIM could not beat October 9 in the framework of the Conmebol Sudamericana, which is why all Colombians expressed their fury on social networks, making it clear that they no longer want Julio Comesaña to be in the bench.

The result was 3-2 in favor of the Ecuadorian team, and it was configured by Alfredo Stephens, who scored a double, and Kevin Becerra. For the coffee team, Edwar López and Miguel Camargo were in charge of giving life to the group that could not match the actions.

“Comesaña cheeky, that hpta mooring has to go, he has no ambition at all,” say the social networks before the team’s coach.

“When does Comesaña resign? Because a team that needs to look for results in order to qualify for the next round and with such bad approaches, leaves a lot to be desired honestly”, commented a follower calling for Comesaña’s resignation.

“Haha, a team that has only “October 9 FC” can’t beat you out of respect for the club,” added a follower of another Colombian team on social media.

“The one who should be fired and who should stay in Ecuador once and for all is Comesaña. He is the True FIRECRACKER as a Coach. Out of Medellin”, pointed out another follower of the Medellin team on Twitter.

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