Ousmane Sonko expected in court for a confrontation with his accuser

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In Senegal, a face-to-face is expected this Tuesday between Ousmane Sonko and Adji Sarr, who accuses him of “repeated rapes” and “death threats”. The opponent, leader of the Pastef party and the former employee of a massage parlor in Dakar have an appointment before the dean of the examining magistrates at 11 a.m. UT. This confrontation is a new phase in this very sensitive file which had caused deadly riots in March 2021.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Charlotte Idrac

Adji Sarr and Ousmane Sonko have already been heard separately on the merits of the case. This time, they will therefore each defend their version of the facts, contradictory, before the dean of the judges, Oumar Maham Diallo.

For Me Bamba Cissé, one of the lawyers of Ousmane Sonko, the opponent and Mayor of Ziguinchor « will of course respond to the summons “, even if according to him, this confrontation ” is not necessary ».

During his hearing on November 3Ousmane Sonko admitted to having gone to the Sweet Beauty massage parlor to ” back problems “. He had refused to submit to the DNA test proposed by the judge and once more denounced a ” political conspiracy ».

Adji Sarr, for his part, has repeatedly demanded a trial for his complaint filed in February 2021. The confrontation is therefore “ an important step for the manifestation of the truth “says Me Abdou Dialy Kane, one of his lawyers.

After that, the judge might ask for new hearings, then either send the case back to the criminal chamber for a trial or issue a dismissal order. Whatever, “ he’s not locked in any time frame » et « stay in control of your education “says the lawyer.



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