“Our Voices Network” is a new generation to advocate for the issues of people with disabilities in Morocco


In the context of international interest in the issue of disability and the development of international standards for the rights of persons with disabilities through the issuance of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on December 13, 2006, which Morocco ratified on April 8, 2009, and the national efforts made at all levels, especially after the 2011 Constitution, one of the innovations of which was the stipulation of the rights of persons with disabilities, and the issuance of Framework Law No. 97/13 on the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in 2016, which defined the general objectives of the state in the field of disability.

Given the limited impact of national public policies targeting persons with disabilities on changing their social and economic status.

We, the activists, party, union, association and elected officials, men and women, with disabilities, who are gathered around the issues of persons with disabilities, and who are meeting in the city of Rabat on July 28, 2024, within the framework of a national meeting at the initiative of the White Dove Association for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, announce the following:

We established a flexible organizational framework for joint work under the name “Our Voices Network: For Comprehensive Participation and Inclusive Policies.”
Working according to the following vision: for the comprehensive and integrated participation of people with disabilities, enriching the creation, implementation and evaluation of public and territorial policies by making them inclusive of their rights and issues.

Make every effort to contribute to achieving the following goals:

Encouraging joint action between parties, organizations of persons with disabilities, the government and parliament, local authorities and other institutions for open and inclusive public and territorial policies.
Engage in national, regional and international dynamics related to the rights of persons with disabilities.
To document and value good practices and encourage the exchange of experiences between various actors in the field of public political participation of persons with disabilities.
Building and strengthening the capacities of elected officials with disabilities and supporting them.
We call on all partisan, union, association and media activities to support this initiative and build bridges of cooperation with it, in order to unify efforts to effectively serve the rights of persons with disabilities.
We call on all constitutional institutions, including government, parliament, and local authorities, as well as governance and human rights institutions, to cooperate and work together to develop national standards for the rights of persons with disabilities, and to give new impetus to public and territorial policies related to persons with disabilities.
After the approval of the founding charter of the network by consensus, the leadership team of the network was formed as follows:
Mohamed Waarous: Network Coordinator
Salma Al-Faqir: His deputy
Mustafa Massir: Rapporteur
Mubarak Dakair: His deputy
Kamal Belhaj: Advisor
Abdul Latif: Fayez, consultant
Nahza Zanbou: Consultant

#Voices #Network #generation #advocate #issues #people #disabilities #Morocco
2024-08-04 17:20:55



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