Our only power against diversion is Congress

“After the substitute “blocking” of my candidacy by the minority of the KE, the same people are trying to prevent you from entering the official site of my candidacy odikosmassyriza.gr”, underlines in his post Stefanos Kasselakis.

“Our SYRIZA“: The site created by Stefanos Kasselakis

“Only a few minutes after our site was made public, identical text began to be circulated on social media by members of the KE with the content you see in the photos, as incredible as it may seem,” he says, referring to specific posts and complaining that “they call ” the official website of the “personal data embezzlement website” with “falsification of the name of SYRIZA-PS”, “suspicious website” that “infects your server with a virus or material to monitor your personal life”, while “they call directly: “Don’t you are signing up for this site!”.

“At the same time, in the political field they began to leak through Right-wing websites and statements on TV shows that allegedly through my personal website we are… registering for SYRIZA (!), creating a “party within the party” (!), while they are talking again for sanctions and deletions!”, it is noted in the post of St. Kasselakis.

Continuing, St. Kasselakis says: “Even if some things are self-evident, when logic is lost, the truth answers:

-The slogan “our SYRIZA” has been known for weeks. This name became the official website of my candidacy.

In the same way, for example, the slogan SYRIZARestart can become a site.

– Last year’s site of my candidacy was titled “SYRIZA Reorganization now”, this year’s “Our own SYRIZA”.

-Last year’s site of my candidacy had a registration and participation form, similar to this year’s.

“I am attaching photos of both this year’s form and last year’s form, when our site was not “dangerous” and… cause for deletion.”

New meeting of the Political Secretariat of SYRIZA on Thursday

And he adds: “Indeed, dangerous things have been happening in the last few days. Dangerous for Democracy in our party. Our only power against diversion is Congress. Our voice is the Congress. My only strength is you.”

“I ask (for days now) that you register on isyriza.gr and in the local OMs until October 24, so that you can vote democratically for your congressmen and not a closely controlled party apparatus instead of you. I ask (with my yesterday’s post) that you register on the odikosmassyriza.gr page to support my candidacy, to become volunteers, to be by our side. With each passing day, you realize it more and more: They are panicking, they are capable of anything. It takes struggle, it takes stubbornness, it takes a strong stomach, but the return of democracy to our party is up to you. Take SYRIZA into your hands”, concludes the post of St. Kasselakis.

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#power #diversion #Congress



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