Our goal is to be a governmental solution because that is what the Greek people are looking for

The President of PASOK-Movement for Change, Nikos Androulakis visits Komotini.

Earlier he met with the administrator and the workers’ association of the Komotini hospital and in his statements he noted:
“The government has turned its back on the National Health System. Millions of citizens are in agony knowing that services in public hospitals are deteriorating, despite all the efforts of doctors and nurses. From our side, *we prioritize the regeneration of the National Health System, to fill the gaps with permanent doctors and nurses and to finally legislate the integration of the heavy and unhealthy health workers, who struggled during the pandemic period*”.

Mr. Androulakis pointed out the need for a modern health map and identified as a major priority the strengthening of the social state.

“New Democracy has no mood. *We will do everything we can to make the policy that has led to the decline of public health services for the benefit of powerful financial interests a thing of the past*’ said the President of PASOK-Movement of Change.

To a journalist’s question about the political correlations recorded in opinion polls, Mr. Androulakis emphasized:

“PASOK was again a second party a few months ago and for several months. This means that we can achieve a lot and even more, but it is up to us. Already in the last two years we have succeeded in being a party-autonomous pole, a party that won large municipalities, a party with a progressive program, a responsible party without populism and divisive speech.

A party renewed. We aspire to be a government solution. Because this is what the Greek people are looking for. Another policy. In order to succeed, we need unity, respect for the common struggle, hard work and political ethics. And I emphasize the last one. Our people, and especially the new generation, need a modern political ethos. Because everywhere I meet despair and disappointment from the widespread corruption, which also characterizes the current government” he concluded.

Then, according to iefimerida, the President of PASOK-Change Movement met with the mayor of Komotini, Yiannis Garanis.

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#goal #governmental #solution #Greek #people



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