‘Our furniture sold at NOZ, I’m hallucinating’: furniture bought on Made.com resold at bargain prices in NOZ stores in France

Since Tuesday February 7, the NOZ clearance chain has put 141,000 pieces of furniture and decorative items on sale from the famous Made.com site, which went bankrupt last November. NOZ is selling off the remaining Made.com stock at -70% in its 313 stores located in France. Attractive prices for reseller customers but outrageous for e-commerce customers.

Indeed, the stocks, stored in Antwerp, correspond to part of the customer orders. The buyers had ordered their furniture shortly before the company went bankrupt but did not receive their orders afterwards.

When we think that our paid furniture will be sold at NOZ, it disgusts me

In other words, NOZ resells furniture purchased by Made.com customers when they have paid for their order. An approach that has exasperated consumers of this e-commerce platform on social networks.

On a Facebook group of 1,900 people, some react to the fact that they have been wronged: “Nfurniture bones sold at NOZ, I’m hallucinating“, “this stock belonged to customers“, “I almost want to go get the piece of furniture from NOZ that I never received“.

NOZ is within its rights regarding the repurchase of the stock but one of the consumers wonders about the interests of the company : “it seems quite surprising to us that PWCthe receiver, has the right to sell our furniture a second time“.

Consumers paid for furniture to order when executives knew they were going to shut down

Master Emma Leoty defends about thirty members of the Facebook group. The lawyer says she understands the anger of consumers and questions herself in the columns of our colleagues from the Parisian : “Why do customers only become owners of their property upon delivery when they have paid 100% of the order price?“. She also denounces: “consumers paid for furniture to order when managers knew very well that they were going to shut down“.

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However, the destocking chain repurchased the stocks in a legal manner. Nicolas Teulier, Decoration and Furniture Product Manager at NOZ, told the daily: “cAs in any judicial liquidation, our objective is to buy back stocks in order to give money to the liquidator, who can then reimburse part of the creditors“.

Regarding customers, they come last in the order of priority of creditors. They will only receive reimbursement for their order once all the other parties (former employees, banks, service providers, etc.) have been compensated.

Contacted by our editorial staff, NOZ and Made.com have not yet responded to our requests.

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