Our Family celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Ponte Lambro center with an exhibition – Casateonline

Celebrating 70 Years of Creativity at La Nostra Famiglia

Ah, Ponte Lambro! A place where the magic of therapy meets the artistry of childhood! This October, as we dive into the final stages of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the La Nostra Famiglia Rehabilitation Center, we also gear up for an exhibition that’ll make your art-loving heart skip a beat. Yes, folks, it’s the exhibition titled ”What is there, is already there!”.

When? Where?

Mark your calendars for the 19th and 20th of October! The youth and cultural association Lo Snodo in Erba will be the stage for this awe-inspiring showcase. Generally, “The Little Bird” over there might just be your child’s spirit animal. Why? Because they are indeed soaring high with creativity!

What to Expect?

This isn’t just any exhibition; it’s the culmination of a yearly journey paved with graphic, pictorial, manual, and expressive activities of primary school children! A whopping 50 unique pieces will be on display, showcasing varied techniques and, more importantly, the boundless creativity of these young artists. And there’s more! According to the splendid Barbara Ponti, manager of the center, the aim of their work is quite simple: “to amaze and be amazed.” Aren’t we all looking for a bit of amazement in life, especially in the dizzying adult world filled with bills and existential dread?

Artistic Philosophies!

Every child turns into a storyteller with their creations. The piece isn’t just paint on paper; it’s not just some glorified finger painting—oh no! It emerges from tales instead. So, next time you see a small child drawing, ask them, “Who is that little bird you are drawing?!” Don’t be surprised when they respond with a backstory worthy of a novel. Perhaps the bird is taking a vacation from its dreary daily life, much like we all aspire to do!

Networking and Collaboration!

The president of Lo Snodo, Simone Pelucchi, enthusiastically invites everyone, not just art buffs but also students who can swing by during the exhibition’s hours. What’s more inspiring than networking and fostering inclusion, right? Thanks to the incredible collaboration with Our Family, it’s going to be a party! If you thought adulting was all about work and responsibilities… well, surprise! It can also be about beautiful collaborative efforts like this one.

A Legacy That Speaks Volumes!

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate the rich history behind this center. Established in 1954, it became the first rehabilitation center recognized by the Italian State when they weren’t even naming them properly yet! Fast forward to today, and the center is working its magic, providing around 20,000 outpatient services and supporting 90 children with unprecedented care—60 operators working tirelessly to ensure that the human experience, particularly for those with developmental challenges, is honored and elevated.

Final Thoughts!

You’ve heard the details, now it’s your turn to experience the wonder. What is there, is already there. And it’s waiting to be discovered. The art is ready; the children are excited. All we need now is you—come and let your imagination run wild! Because let’s face it, in a world full of gigs and grind, who doesn’t want a sprinkle of wonder and a generous dose of creativity?

So, bring your imagination, grab your friends, and waltz over to Lo Snodo in Erba. It’s time to get amazed!

Final stage of the celebrations for 70th anniversary of the La Nostra Famiglia Rehabilitation Center in Ponte Lambro: it’s about the exhibition ”What is there, is already there!” which will be held at the youth and cultural association Lo Snodo in Erba from 19 to 20 October.
The exhibition is the culmination of an annual journey of graphic, pictorial, manual and expressive activities of primary school children in charge of the rehabilitation centre. There are around 50 works, created with different techniques, as the manager of the center explains Barbara Ponti: ”The aim of our work and the aim of the exhibition is to amaze and be amazed: amazement is first of all what emerges in the moment in which every child discovers himself capable and author of beauty but the amazement also belongs to the beholder and, seeing, imagines and fantasizes. The final work, the work of art, are not simple objects, but are born from stories and propose stories. The child who creates does not limit himself to making or carrying out a manual sequence prepared by the adult but tells himself and tells himself a story: who is that little bird I am drawing? Where does it come from? Where you go? The hope is that every adult who comes to experience our exhibition can imagine, create a story, fantasize about what they see”.
The president of the Lo Snodo association Simone Pelucchi comments: ”We are very happy to welcome the exhibition ”What is there, is already there!” to our headquarters in Erba station. We will also keep our study room open at the same times, so that the students present can also visit the exhibition. In fact, among our objectives is precisely that of networking in the area and implementing actions that promote integration and inclusion. We thank Our Family for the beautiful collaboration implemented on this initiative”.
The coordinator of primary educators and curator of the exhibition Pinuccia Ziccardi he adds: ”We operators are discoverers of resources and facilitators of discoveries by children because what we can start from to enable, strengthen, support, develop is already there. The starting point, wealth, is the person, the human. Everything else, everything after, rests on this certainty: the child and his being, the child and his being there”.

The Ponte Lambro center represents the beginning of a trajectory that has guided the history of rehabilitation in La Nostra Famiglia and in Italy: in 1954, in fact, the first agreement was stipulated with the High Commissioner for Hygiene and Public Health, called later the Ministry of Health, which recognized the Ponte Lambro headquarters as the first rehabilitation center affiliated with the Italian state. Today the rehabilitation center is accredited for twenty thousand outpatient services per year, hosts 90 children with continuous daytime attendance and has 60 operators involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of neuromotor and neuropsychic pathologies of developmental age



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