“Our era ghettoizes the reality of aging”

2023-08-11 15:00:00

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INTERVIEW. The philosopher returns to our difficulty in approaching the subject of old age and in properly confronting the problems it poses.

Interview by Marion Coquette

Denial settles on the reality of aging even though there are always more old and very old people, believes Roger-Pol Droit.
Denial settles on the reality of aging even though there are always more old and very old people, believes Roger-Pol Droit.

« Nneglect”, “denial”, “betrayal”: in The Parisianthe socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj is sounding the charge against the government, which he criticizes for still not having legislated on old age and aging well.

The philosopher and editorialist Roger-Pol Droit, advisor for ethical issues at the Partage et Vie Foundation, sheds light here on our relationship to aging. And calls for a profound change in the representations of which the elderly are the object.

Point : Socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj accuses the government of negligence towards the elderly. Do you find yourself in his anger and in his cry of alarm?

Roger-Pol Law: I do not necessarily share the letter of his remarks, but the substance is correct. The aging of the population in the West…

#era #ghettoizes #reality #aging

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