Oullins Pierre-Bénite town hall puts “the package” on education for the start of the school year – Lyon Mag

Nearly 15 million euros allocated to education for the year 2024.

With 3,000 students spread across the 15 schools in the municipality, the start of the school year in Oullins-Pierre-Bénite is accompanied this year by several initiatives funded by the municipality. Of the 14.9 million euros budget, 276,598 euros were invested this summer in interior renovation work in the schools.

We decided to focus on schoolsays Jérôme Moroge, mayor of Oullins-Pierre-Bénite.

The city hall also committed 30,600 euros to provide school kits to the 1,800 pupils in public elementary schools, or 17 euros per kit.So that children can start out on an equal footing as much as possible,” explains the LR mayor.

At the same time, 450 calculators, each worth 20 euros, were distributed at the beginning of July to CM2 pupils entering secondary school, for a total cost of 9,000 euros.

For this new school year, 130 municipal agents will also be assigned to schools, including ATSEMs, maintenance and catering agents, as well as after-school referents. These reinforcements aim to support students on a daily basis and ensure the smooth running of school services.

The municipality has also chosen to continue its support for families with the “Coup d’pouce sport et culture” scheme. This aid of 60 euros per child is intended to finance part of the registrations for sports or cultural activities, without any means test, for young people from the middle section to the 3rd year.




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