Ottawa Plans to Donate 200,000 Surplus MPOX Vaccine Doses

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Nsimire Nakaziba, 34, pricks the rashes of her sister Sifa Mwakasisi, 32, to relieve the pain inside a tent where she is receiving treatment for mpox. Kavumu, Democratic Republic of Congo, August 29, 2024. Arlette Bashizi/Reuters

Canada is considering a donation of up to 200,000 doses of MPOX vaccines from its large national stockpile to help support the global battle against the fast-growing outbreak of the viral infection, The Globe and Mail has learned.

The federal government has been under intense pressure to join other countries that have already begun sharing their MPOX vaccine stockpiles with African countries. The United States announced its first donation (50,000 doses of the vaccine) more than three weeks ago. France, Germany, Spain and other countries have also announced their own donations recently, and many of these vaccines have begun arriving in Africa this month.

Nearly 25,000 cases of MPOX, including 643 deaths, have been reported across Africa this year, mostly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with children suffering the highest number of deaths.

African health authorities say the continent is in desperate need of MPOX vaccines, with an estimated 4 million doses needed over the next six months. But with the vaccine priced at up to $140 per dose, few African governments can afford to buy them and most rely on donations.

Ottawa officials have been discussing a potential vaccine donation for weeks, but no final decision has been reached. A federal official, whose name The Globe is not releasing because he is not authorized to speak to the media, said the government is close to making a decision that could involve a donation of up to 200,000 doses. A donation of this size would not affect Canada’s preparedness for coronavirus cases, the official said.

The government has declined to disclose the size of Canada’s MPOX vaccine stockpile, but it signed a $470 million contract in 2022 to purchase large quantities of the vaccine, and also had previous supply contracts with the same manufacturer, Denmark-based Bavarian Nordic, which produces the world’s most widely used MPOX vaccine.

In its 2023 annual report, Bavarian Nordic said Canada and the United States “remain our largest customers.” Its financial report showed Canada was the company’s second-largest source of revenue outside of Denmark.

The World Health Organization has repeatedly called on countries with vaccine reserves to share their supply with African countries in urgent need of doses. The Spanish government has asked European countries to donate 20% of their vaccine reserves to help Africa.

According to publicly available information, Canada has a stockpile of at least two million doses of the MPOX vaccine, according to Adam Houston, a medical policy and advocacy adviser for Doctors Without Borders Canada. If this is correct, the potential government donation would represent about 10 per cent of Canada’s stockpile.

“It would be fantastic to see Canada committing doses to the global response, given that the need still far outstrips supply,” Houston told The Globe on Wednesday.

“It remains disappointing that Canada has not yet done so, when vaccines have already been delivered from the United States and the European Union,” he said.

“Canada has a history of making late commitments to share its surplus supplies of scarce medical products only after other countries have done so; this happened during COVID-19 and before that with H1N1 flu. Greater transparency around Canada’s stockpile, as well as government mechanisms to determine what is surplus and when it can be shared, would help Canada lead rather than follow on vaccine equity.”

(This is an unedited, auto-generated story from a syndicated news service. New York Blog staff may not have altered or edited the text of the content.)

Here are ⁤some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related​ to the title: ⁣**Mpox ⁣Vaccine: Canada’s Potential Donation and Global Response**:

Mpox⁤ Vaccine: Canada’s Potential Donation and Global Response

The mpox outbreak has been‍ spreading rapidly‌ across Africa, with nearly 25,000 cases reported this year, including 643 deaths. The ⁢majority of these cases are in the Democratic Republic of ⁤Congo, with children being the ⁢most affected. The global community has been urging ​countries with vaccine stockpiles to share their supply with African countries in urgent need of doses.

Canada’s Consideration of Vaccine Donation

Canada⁤ is considering donating up to 200,000 doses​ of the mpox vaccine from its large national⁤ stockpile to ‌support the global battle against the outbreak. This decision comes after intense pressure from other countries that have already begun sharing their ⁣vaccine stockpiles with African countries. The United States, France,‍ Germany, and Spain​ have all announced their own ‌donations, ‌with many of these vaccines already arriving in Africa.

Canada’s Mpox⁤ Vaccine⁢ Stockpile

The Canadian government has declined to disclose ‍the size of its mpox vaccine⁢ stockpile, but it has signed a $470 million⁤ contract in 2022 to purchase large quantities of ​the vaccine. According to publicly available information, Canada has a stockpile of at least two million ⁣doses ⁢of the mpox vaccine. If the potential government donation of 200,000 doses is correct, it would represent about 10% of Canada’s stockpile.

Imvamune Vaccine

The mpox vaccine used in Canada is Imvamune, which is authorized for ⁣protection ⁣against⁣ mpox. Imvamune ​is a two-dose series, given ⁤28⁢ days ⁤apart, and ‌booster ‌doses are not recommended [[2]][[3]]. The vaccine is intended for residents of Canada or those ⁤visiting British Columbia for prolonged periods of time [[1]].

Global Response to Mpox Outbreak

The‍ World Health Organization ⁢has repeatedly called on ‍countries with vaccine reserves to share their supply with African countries in urgent​ need of doses. The Spanish government has asked European countries to donate 20% of their vaccine reserves to help Africa. With an estimated 4 million⁤ doses needed over the next six months, the​ global community is urging countries to take action to support​ the affected regions.


Canada’s potential donation of up to 200,000 doses of the mpox⁤ vaccine is a positive step towards supporting the⁣ global response ⁤to the outbreak. As the‌ need for vaccines far outstrips the supply, it is essential for countries‍ to share their resources ⁤to help combat this viral infection. With‍ Imvamune being the authorized vaccine in Canada,⁣ it is vital to ensure that those in need receive the necessary doses ⁣to protect themselves and their communities.





Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **Mpox Vaccine Donations: A Global Effort to Combat the Outbreak**:

Mpox Vaccine Donations: A Global Effort to Combat the Outbreak

The mpox outbreak has reached alarming proportions in Africa, with nearly 25,000 cases and 643 deaths reported this year, mostly in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Children have been the hardest hit, with the highest number of fatalities. In response to this crisis, the international community has come together to donate mpox vaccines to help combat the outbreak.

Canada Considers Donating 200,000 Mpox Vaccine Doses

Canada is considering donating up to 200,000 doses of mpox vaccine from its large national stockpile to support the global response to the outbreak. This move follows in the footsteps of other countries, including the United States, France, Germany, and Spain, which have already made significant donations. The World Health Organization has repeatedly called on countries with vaccine reserves to share their supply with African countries in urgent need of doses.

Mpox Vaccine Shortage in Africa

African health authorities have sounded the alarm on the dire need for mpox vaccines, with an estimated 4 million doses needed over the next six months. However, with the vaccine priced at up to $140 per dose, few African governments can afford to buy them, and most rely on donations.

European Union Donates 215,000 Mpox Vaccine Doses

In a recent development, the European Union has donated 215,000 doses of mpox vaccine to the Democratic Republic of Congo, adding to the global effort to combat the outbreak. This shipment follows a donation of 15,000 doses by Bavarian Nordic, a leading vaccine manufacturer.

The Importance of International Cooperation

The fight against the mpox outbreak requires a concerted international effort. As the Spanish government has urged, European countries should donate 20% of their vaccine reserves to help Africa. The World Health Organization has also emphasized the need for countries to share their vaccine reserves with African countries in urgent need of doses.

Mpox Vaccine Supplies: A Global Concern

The mpox vaccine shortage is not limited to Africa. The global supply of the vaccine is under strain, and countries must work together to ensure that the vaccine is available to all who need it. With the outbreak spreading rapidly, it is crucial that governments, health organizations, and pharmaceutical companies come together to address this crisis.

As Adam Houston, a medical policy and advocacy adviser for Doctors Without Borders Canada, has noted, “It would be fantastic to see Canada committing doses to the global response.” This sentiment echoes the call to action from the international community, urging countries to donate mpox vaccines to combat the outbreak.


The mpox outbreak is a global health crisis that requires immediate attention and action. As countries come together to donate vaccines, it is essential that we prioritize international cooperation and coordination to combat the outbreak. By sharing vaccine reserves and working together, we can ensure that the mpox vaccine reaches those who need it most, saving lives and containing the outbreak.







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