Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Apologizes to Sachin Little Feather 50 years after she gave Marlon Brando’s rejection speech

The US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has apologized to Sachin Littlefeather, the Native American activist and actress, for the boos she gave when she was standing on stage at the Academy Awards nearly 50 years ago. In 1973, she declined the Academy Award on behalf of Marlon Brando, who won best actor for the movie The Godfather. The Hollywood Reporter: “I never thought I would live to see the day I would hear this.” Little Feather, then 26, was harassed in the entertainment industry and ostracized after her short speech at the awards ceremony. It was the first political statement at the televised ceremony – and the beginning of a trend that continues to this day. Little Feather introduced herself on behalf of Brando – who had written a “very long speech” – and briefly told the audience that “he, unfortunately, cannot accept this award.” Very generous.” She said, “The reasons for this are the film industry’s treatment of American Indians today and on television as well, as well as with recent events in Wounded Knee” — referring to the violent confrontation with federal agents in an important Aboriginal position. Her speech was booed — And some cheers – from the audience. In 2020, Little Feather told the BBC that immediately after the speech she had to leave the stage with two security guards. But she added that “it was a very good thing” as actor John Wayne was behind the scenes, believing in six security men, and said he was “angry at Marlon and angry with me”, and he wanted to get me off the stage himself. Brando had written a much longer speech, but Little Feather She received instructions from the party’s supervisors that her rejection speech should not exceed 60 seconds. The speech was transmitted to 85 million people. Some media reports after the event said Little Feather was not really a Native American, but agreed to the letter to help her acting career. Some people have speculated that she may be Brando’s mistress. She told the BBC that all of these allegations were untrue. David Rubin, the former president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, wrote in a letter to Little Feather made public on Monday: “The abuse she was subjected to … It was unjustified.”

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Rubin said the speech at the 45th Academy Awards “continues to remind us of the need and importance of respecting human dignity.” The Academic Museum of the Motion Picture will host an event in September, at which Little Feather will speak about her appearance at the 1973 Academy Awards and the future of Aboriginal representation. On screen. In response to this apology, she said, “We Indians are very patient – it’s only been 50 years!” She added that maintaining a sense of humor is our “survival style”.

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