Oscar/Yin Ruzhen awards self-deprecating: last year I complained about mispronouncing my name, this year I apologize! | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Wu Mengting / Comprehensive Report

The 94th Academy Awards was held today (28) Taiwan time. The last Oscar supporting actress was also a South Korean treasure-level actress Yin Yuzhen. She returned to the temple to present the Best Supporting Actor Award. She spoke in English throughout the beginning. Sorry, “Last year I complained regarding pronouncing my name wrong, this year it’s hard for me to change it, I’m sorry, please forgive me…”

▲ Yin Ruzhen apologized before presenting the Supporting Actor Award. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

Yin Ruzhen came on stage alone and said in smooth English, “I’m not an actor in Hollywood, I’m very happy to be here once more, thank you everyone. My mother said, what kind of cause, what kind of fruit, I should listen to my mother’s words… At this time, she showed a shy look on her face, and the audience first laughed, and then Yin Ruzhen was embarrassed to tell the reason.

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“Last year following I won the award, I complained that my name was not pronounced correctly, but today I came here and saw the names of the supporting actor finalists and found that the pronunciation is not easy, so I apologize here first, please forgive me .” As soon as these words came out, the audience burst into laughter, and the self-deprecating appearance also caused cheers and applause!

▲ At the 94th Academy Awards, Yoon Yoo-jung presented Troy Cotesoul with the Supporting Actor Award.  (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

▲▼Yin Ruzhen presented Troy Cotesoul with the Supporting Actor Award. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

▲ At the 94th Academy Awards, Yoon Yoo-jung presented Troy Cotesoul with the Supporting Actor Award.  (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

And when she was regarding to read out the list of winners, because she knew that the winner Troy Kotsur was deaf, she thoughtfully announced the winners with sign language before reading the winners with her mouth. Troy Kotsur gave a touching sign language speech following he came to power. When Yoon Yoo-jung was holding the trophy instead of the other party’s sign language competition, it was also very touching to look at the other party’s speech carefully.

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