Oscar Engelbert is wanted by the district court

Oscar Engelbert did not come to today’s bankruptcy hearing for the company Parkgate. The service sent both to Engelbert’s private address and to Parkgate has not been answered, writes Expressen.

It is Pefab that has requested Engelbert’s company Parkgate into bankruptcy. The reason is the non-payment of SEK 40 million, after a settlement in a civil case.

In addition to Engelbert, two more OP people were called. No one appeared in court.

Pefab’s owner Peter Eriksson was present in the district court.

– We can cancel the meeting and start again, said councilor Klas Lohmander after two minutes of negotiation, reports The Express.

Expressen also says that the letter with the summons to Parkgate was returned to the district court.

Exactly when the next bankruptcy hearing will take place is unclear. Peter Eriksson believes that Oscar Engelbert stays away.

– Oscar Engelbert has put this into a system, says Eriksson to Expressen.

The district court is now expected to use a service agent to find Oscar Engelbert.



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