Oscar Diaz’s return to television confirmed after winning ‘Pasapalabra’ – La Opinión de Murcia

He used to work as a press officer at golf tournaments until ‘Pasapalabra’ changed his life: the last winner of the famous jackpot accumulated by El Rosco has returned to his daily life with the peace of mind that only a prize of more than 1.8 million gross euros.

Although he has not yet received the full amount of money due to bureaucratic procedures and the broadcast times of the program, as he has confessed in an interview for the media El Español, the Madrid nativeor will receive a total of 1,026,040 euros after paying 43.5% of taxes that correspond to you.

‘Pasapalabra’ is stopped after the incident between Roberto Leal and a contestant

In addition to confessing the status of the award warning, during the interviewa, Oscar has confessed what he plans to spend the money on, pmainly in basic needs such as paying the mortgage or ensuring the well-being of his entire family: “My wife and I have a flat shared with the bank, so let’s see if it can be ours. And that the people around me, especially my wife, my siblings and my mother, can be more relaxed.”

He also explained that he wants take advantage of the economic momentum to devote more time to reading, something he considers essential to his life.

Goodbye to Manu: 'Pasapalabra' does without him for the new season

Goodbye to Manu: ‘Pasapalabra’ does without him for the new season

During the interview he also discussed another fundamental issue: the relationship with the ‘Pasapalabra’ team, whom he fondly remembered from his time on the Antena 3 set. From those moments he highlighted the family atmosphere that was formed between the programme’s team, the guests and the contestants: “To all those who work on the programme, my duels with my partner… it sounds like a cliché, but the thing is that we were a family, from the hostesses to the technical staff or Ana, the stage manager, who is wonderful.”

Oscar’s return to television

Another topic that came up in the conversation was a possible return of the champion to television. For the moment, and as he has confessed to El Español,the Madrid native does not rule out participating in future competitions, But one clear condition has been set: I would only return if the hypothetical show was presented by Roberto Leal.

'Pasapalabra' is stopped after the incident between Roberto Leal and a contestant

‘Pasapalabra’ is stopped after the incident between Roberto Leal and a contestant

“Maybe in some special that ‘Pasapalabra’ usually organizes or if it has some charitable purpose. It’s hard for me to think about competing again continuously. Maybe in a while I’ll say something else…”

She also confirmed that she is still in contact with her beloved rival, Moisés Laguardia, and with other contestants, although she has no plans to return to television on a continuous basis in the near future: “I’m looking forward to being able to see each other again to give each other a big hug,” she said about Moisés.



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