Ortigia: G7 Agriculture and “DiviNazione 2024”, between entertainment and politics – Qualivita Foundation

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Information pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 regarding the processing of personal data. The data controller is FONDAZIONE QUALIVITA with headquarters in Siena (SI), Via Fontebranda 69, VAT no. 01133580520, CF92036950522, Tel. 0577 1503049; fax 0577 1503097; e.mail info@qualivita.it.
The data provided will be used with computer and telematic tools for the sole purpose of providing the requested service and, for this reason, will be stored exclusively for the period in which the same is active. The legal basis for this processing is to be found in your consent given for registration and inclusion in the mailing list for the aforementioned newsletter service and the purpose of the processing is to allow this Foundation, in compliance with its statutory duties as a non-profit entity, to conduct the following activities: a) information and dissemination for the promotion of quality agri-food products and related communication to consumers as well as to supply chains and producers; b) economic and market research and surveys in the agri-food sector; c) archiving and creation of specialized databases at a legal, economic and technical level, including in particular the Qualigeo project – Georeferenced Atlas of DOP and IGP products; d) organization of events and seminars dedicated to the theme of DOP and IGP products; e) promotion of European PDO, PGI and TSG food products and in particular Italian ones. The provision of data is optional. You may therefore decide not to provide any data or to subsequently deny the possibility of processing data already provided, by requesting cancellation from our archives and from the newsletter mailing list and/or with any manifestation of withdrawal of consent, to be sent with a simple request to be forwarded to a contact point of Fondazione Qualivita pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 3 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679: in this case, you will no longer be able to receive the aforementioned newsletter or information material of any other type. The data may be communicated to companies appointed by us to carry out specific activities necessary for sending the material itself; we will ensure that the processing will be carried out in compliance with the Privacy legislation;
The data will be processed exclusively by the staff and collaborators of Fondazione Qualivita or by companies expressly appointed as data controllers (e.g. for technological maintenance needs of the site or for carrying out specific activities necessary for sending the material itself). The interested parties have the right to obtain from the data controller Fondazione Qualivita, in the cases provided for, access to personal data and the correction or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing that concerns them or to oppose the processing (articles 15 and following of the Regulation), with a request forwarded using the contact details indicated below. Furthermore, and in any case, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 and in particular, pursuant to art. 77 of the same Regulation, with the supervisory authority of the Member State in which you habitually reside or work, or of the place where the alleged violation occurred, always without prejudice to the right to contact the competent ordinary judicial authority in any case. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE FONDAZIONE QUALIVITA NEWSLETTER The Newsletter of Fondazione Qualivita, with headquarters in Siena, Via Fontebranda 69, as data controller, is published on the Fondazione Qualivita website and distributed via email – automatically and free of charge – to those who request to receive it by filling out the form on this page.
The data controller is FONDAZIONE QUALIVITA with headquarters in Siena (SI), Via Fontebranda 69, VAT number 01133580520, CF92036950522, Tel. 0577 1503049; fax 0577 1503097; e.mail info@qualivita.it. The data provided will be used with IT and telematic tools for the sole purpose of providing the requested service and, for this reason, will be stored exclusively for the period in which the same is active. CANCELLATION OF THE SERVICE To no longer receive the newsletter, enter your e-mail address in the form on this page and click on the “Unsubscribe” button. In the event of technical problems, you can send an e-mail report to the data controller at info@qualivita.it. Any update to this information will be communicated to you promptly and by appropriate means and you will also be informed if the Data Controller will proceed with the processing of your data for purposes other than those referred to in this information before proceeding and in time to give your consent if necessary.

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