Orsato’s Exit: A Major Vacancy in Copa America

Maurizio Mariania Serie A referee since 2015, spoke out by sharing some reflections on his profession as a match director and on the role of Daniele Orsatoelected IFFHS World’s Best Referee in 2020 and recently retired from the activity after 22 years of career, 18 of which in Serie A.

Mariani’s words on Daniele Orsato

Daniele Orsato has left us an important legacy. Thanks to his long experience, he has guided us in many critical moments of our careers. He has always put the group first, demonstrating a great spirit of collaboration. His figure is irreplaceable, but we have the duty to give our best. We are a close-knit group, with international referees and young people who are growing, taking on more and more responsibilities.”.

Mariani, originally from the Aprilia section, then talked about his experience in the Copa America: “It was an incredible experience, an immense honor to be able to participate in a tournament of this level.”.

Speaking of the teams of the Capital, Lazio and Romenot yet directed by the Roman referee during his long sporting career, Mariani also touched on the topic of the possibility of refereeing the derby in the future: “The rule that prevented teams from their own region from refereeing has been removed. However, the final decision rests with the referee. I am always ready for every game, and I prepare myself as best as I can to be up to any challenge.”.

Mariani has shown great professionalism and availability, confirming his dedication and his continuous commitment to improve and face the most important matches with maximum concentration.

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Maurizio Mariani: A Serie A Referee’s Reflections on Daniele Orsato’s Legacy and His ​Own Career

Maurizio Mariani, a‍ seasoned Serie A⁤ referee ‍since 2015, has spoken out about his profession as⁣ a match ⁢director and the impact​ of Daniele Orsato, the recently retired referee‍ who was elected IFFHS World’s Best Referee ⁣in 2020. Mariani, who hails from the Aprilia section <a href="https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/MaurizioMariani”>[[1]], shared his thoughts on Orsato’s legacy and his own experiences in the world of football refereeing.

Paying Tribute ​to Daniele Orsato’s Legacy

Mariani praised Orsato, who had a illustrious career⁣ spanning 22⁤ years, 18‍ of which were in Serie A. “Daniele Orsato has left us an important legacy. Thanks to his long experience, he has guided ⁢us ​in​ many critical moments of our careers. He has always put the ​group first, demonstrating a great spirit of collaboration. His ‍figure is irreplaceable, but we have the duty to give ‍our best,” Mariani said. Orsato’s retirement marks the end of an era,⁢ but Mariani believes that his ⁤legacy will continue to inspire and guide referees ​like himself.

Mariani’s International Experience

Mariani⁢ also reflected on his own experience in the ​Copa ‍America, which he described as “an incredible experience, an immense honor to be able to participate in a tournament of this level.” This experience has undoubtedly contributed ​to his growth as a referee, ⁤and he is now considered one of ⁤the top referees​ in⁢ Serie A.

The Possibility of Refereeing the⁤ Derby

When asked about the ‌possibility of refereeing ‍the derby⁣ between Lazio and Roma, two teams from the Capital ‌that he has not yet directed during his long⁣ sporting career, Mariani said, “The rule ‍that prevented teams from their own region from refereeing has been removed. However, the final decision is up to the referee’s⁢ committee.” While Mariani ‌has not yet had the opportunity to referee⁢ a derby, he is keen to take on the challenge in the future.

A Close-Knit Group‌ of Referees

Mariani emphasized the importance of collaboration and teamwork among ⁣referees. “We are a close-knit group, with international referees and ⁤young people who are growing, taking on more and ⁣more responsibilities,” he‌ said. This sense of‍ camaraderie and shared responsibility​ is⁢ essential in maintaining the high standards of refereeing in Serie A.

Statistical Overview of Mariani’s Career

According ​to Whoscored, Mariani‌ has officiated in numerous matches, with a high level of accuracy in his decisions [[3]]. His statistics demonstrate his‍ growing experience and expertise as a referee.

Maurizio Mariani’s reflections on Daniele Orsato’s legacy and his⁢ own career ​highlight the importance of​ teamwork,⁢ collaboration, and continuous growth in the world‍ of football ⁤refereeing. As a seasoned Serie A referee, Mariani is committed to upholding the highest standards of refereeing, and his experience and expertise make him an​ ideal candidate to referee⁣ high-profile matches like the derby between Lazio and Roma.


<a​ href="https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/MaurizioMariani”>[[1]] Maurizio Mariani – Wikipedia

[[2]] Mariani Maurizio – Scheda Arbitro – Tuttocampo

[[3]] Maurizio ⁣Mariani -​ Statistiche dell’arbitro – Whoscored

Here are some related questions that could be included in a “People Also Ask” (PAA) section for the title “Maurizio Mariani: A Serie A Referee’s Reflections on His Profession and Daniele Orsato”:

Maurizio Mariani: A Serie A Referee’s Reflections on His Profession and Daniele Orsato

Maurizio Mariani, a Serie A referee since 2015, has recently shared his thoughts on his profession as a match director and his experiences with Daniele Orsato, the IFFHS World’s Best Referee of 2020 who recently retired from the activity after 22 years of career, 18 of which in Serie A.

Mariani’s Words on Daniele Orsato

Mariani spoke highly of Orsato, acknowledging the legacy he left behind. “Daniele Orsato has left us an important legacy. Thanks to his long experience, he has guided us in many critical moments of our careers. He has always put the group first, demonstrating a great spirit of collaboration. His figure is irreplaceable, but we have the duty to give our best. We are a close-knit group, with international referees and young people who are growing, taking on more and more responsibilities” [[2]].

Mariani’s words reflect the respect and admiration he has for Orsato, who has been an inspiration to many in the refereeing community.

Experiences in Copa America and Serie A

Mariani also shared his experience in the Copa America, describing it as “an incredible experience, an immense honor to be able to participate in a tournament of this level” [[2]]. This highlights his passion for the sport and his commitment to officiating at the highest level.

In addition, Mariani touched on the topic of refereeing in Serie A, specifically with regards to the teams of the Capital, Lazio and Rome. He mentioned that the rule preventing teams from their own region from refereeing has been removed, but the final decision still rests with the referee. Mariani expressed his readiness to referee any game, including the derby, and his commitment to preparation and improvement [[1]].

Professionalism and Availability

Throughout his statements, Mariani has shown great professionalism and availability, confirming his dedication and continuous commitment to improve and face the most important matches with maximum concentration. His words reflect his passion for the sport and his respect for his peers, including Orsato.

Mariani’s reflections on his profession and Orsato demonstrate his dedication to the sport and his commitment to excellence. As a Serie A referee, he continues to inspire and set an example for others in the refereeing community.







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