Orlando “wobbles”. And the withdrawal of the driving license appears again. Big names from the Democratic Party to the rescue –

Mira Brunello

The hourglass is relentless: 8 days until the vote on October 27-28. The last cartridges for Andrea Orlando, the wide field of the faithful (without Matteo Renzi but with Carlo Calenda) in Liguria is playing for everything. Not only the succession to Giovanni Toti, but also the fate of the coalition. To be archived or a valid alternative to Giorgia Meloni? This is how the Nazarene sounds the charge for the last week: Roberto Speranza, Stefano Bonaccini, Enzo Amendola, Maurizio Landini (today between Imperia, Savona, Genoa), Pierluigi Bersani and Elly Schlein herself (Saturday), as well as Alessandra, arrive in Genoa Todde, Angelo Bonelli, Nicola Fratoianni and Carlo Calenda (scheduled for Monday). Basically everyone reviving a game that seemed safe, and which evidently isn’t safe. Already the secretary of the Democratic Party, someone who will risk a good part of her future as captain with the outcome of the regional elections. Is he capable of holding together an alliance that knows how to win? An answer that the Ligurians will give in the voting booth, before the others.

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In the region administered by the centre-right for nine years, the broad camp brings together a big shot, member of parliament since 2006, four times minister, leader of the left dem. To say not a stranger. The center-left presidential candidate imagined another game plan, a walk that would mark his return home. And instead the electoral campaign is particularly difficult, also due to the national implications it will have. First of all those within the centre-left, between Giuseppe Conte and Matteo Renzi: can we do without the leader of Italia Viva, as the M5S demands? In the last few hours the nervousness has become palpable. The centre-right challenger, the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, was “skewered” by a noisy controversy over some of his statements: “those who have children contribute to the success of our society”. Or like the one on the supposed privatization of the Genoa stadium. A sign that the wide field will leave nothing out to prevail, and that in the last mile there is a risk of a sort of “mud” fight.

Renzi tries to steal the Democratic Party from Schlein. All the big dems at the Italia Viva school

On the other hand, however, Dagospia dusts off the three-month license suspension that Andrea Orlando incurred in 2010 for driving under the influence, dismissed by the justice of the peace, as underlined by the former minister himself. Nerves on edge therefore, for an important result, also because it anticipates what will be held in a few weeks in Umbria and Emilia Romagna, on 17-18 November. The treble has disappeared from the Nazarene’s scoresheet, rather the nightmares continue. Like that of exiting the autumn electoral round, confirming only one of the three regions that will go to the vote. Yet on the unified square of 25 October (a few hundred meters from that of the centre-right) with the five leaders there are still no certainties. Giuseppe Conte had confirmed but then nothing more was heard. In short, full speed ahead, but in no particular order.

#Orlando #wobbles #withdrawal #driving #license #appears #Big #names #Democratic #Party #rescue #Tempo



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