Orlando will live a Thursday morning with hot and humid weather | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

amber: scattered showersall elárea.karuska: chance of rainbecause the humidity has increasediba to continue providingfavorable conditionsfor spokesperson developmentand the heat of the day providesenergy to cause dischargeselectrical.the morning dress comfortable clothes,it was cold,following 2:00 in the followingnoonI took the umbrella because they hadsome downpours in the region,temperatures in the 75sand we will be marking between8586,such a humid environmentcan feel up to 92,maxims In Orlando,in the daytona beach areawith 85 the maximum, I haveforecast of hoteliersachieved, we are talking regardingthat chance of rain and aquite cloudy environmentin the morning andnear noon showersscattered.occasional drizzlemightintensify, close to 1:00p.m..past 4:00 pm you atit’s better to be in that trafficmorning.maybe transit for theinterstate4, you can find aheavy downpour on the way home,can impede visibilityoptimal, area of ​​coverage ofthe downpourscan be a bit widerpast of theeight tonight, downpours andnight electrical dischargestry to be at home far awayof doors and windows.we will continue to monitorthe situation and someprecipitation and lightningmight be emerging, thatactivity must be in hoursin the morning forstaring at the wet pavementbut with minimal rain forour friday, fridaywe will be talking regarding rain andstorms, see how thedownpour coverage areamainly between 5:00pm, 8:00 pm active hoursin central florida withrain and storms. soI will recommend theumbrella and what to wear with clothescomfortable because the heat will notbe the exception and veryimportant and very convenienthave the application ofwe are connected with yousending alert in time,forecast for easter and lucea hot one, still a downpourpossible and plans insidelike outside just in caseand on the beaches up to three



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