Orlando Weather Forecast: Fairly Hot and Dry Friday Morning Expected | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

to the number that I charge to the numberwho see screen 18663573239.now we return with fernandabouquets because I used has tobe aware of the highstemperatures and if you haveplanned to go to the beaches ofpending weekendpresence of sara powder,we have all the proóstico forweekend.fernanda: a pleasure to be withI come back and we throw alook, precipitation and bycourse storms that weaccompany you this followingnoon.currently radar image andsatellite holdingcalm outside, we observewhat are precipitation onour region but if we areaware of that riskof isolated stormscontinues in force throughcentral florida.stretching out for what is theweekend despite whatwe see the pole of sara on theregion that inhibitsheavy precipitation, stillshow what they are beingisolated rains withchance of stormsdeveloping in thosesectors to the southbordering on what the5:00 pm, activity towardsdaytona beach there that tenganbe very careful, weekendthat many want to visitthe beaches and we will be ablebe experiencing thestorms in the region somust continue to useof the recommendations foravoid any incidentAs for any impact.remember that the rays ofwhat is the sound of traveling 10miles and might be fallingplaces where notthere is necessarily rain therethat when hearing the thunder isimportant to find a placelocked away from doors andwindows, I notice that nonemetal object and also come outof the water, no one can bein this area where is thewater, remember that it is a goodconductor of electricity. interms of what is dustof sara continues abundantabove our atmosphere, they willbe watching skiesmisty outside, this combinedwith cloudiness and rainin the followingnoon hours. dustfrom sara that continues to theweekend so keep inaccount when makingoutdoors and if you are allergic orasian is one of the people whoyou have to be more carefulwhether to use your medicinepreventive. besides thisturn on the air purifierto have one available in thehome, close doors andwindows and of course be atwatch out for the little ones andwe want to avoid anyincident and compromiserespiratory passages. talkingof the temperature term,temperatures that will bewith a little for todayand the maxims are goneforecasting in the high 90seven for which is the endof week there I add it in

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