‘Orlando’, Virginia Woolf’s most feminist work

version of Orlando de Virginia Woolf with which Defondo Theatre celebrates its 20th anniversary as a company, and now reaches the Quique San Francisco Theater in Madridhas been a finalist in the XXII Max Awards, has won the XXI National Competition for Stage Directors, has won the Berlanga Award in Valencia for Best New Show and the Best Director Award at the XL Vegas Bajas Festival.

Teatro Defondo’s proposal is a celebration of life, love and literature; a comedy full of stage play that covers four centuries of European history, from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th. The dramaturgy and stage direction are in charge of Vanessa Martínez. For its part, the cast is made up of Carolina Rocha, Gustavo Galindo, Pablo Huetos, Pedro Santos, Rocío Vidal and Gemma Solé.

Orlando It is one of the most beautiful novels in universal literature. It was written by Virginia Woolf in 1928. Versions of the text have been made in many countries, whether staged or cinematographic, such as the Sally Potter film starring Tilda Swinton. In Spain it had never been staged before. Now, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of Teatro Defondo, the Madrid company has once once more wanted to share this work with the audience, its greatest artistic and commercial success to date.

The show’s artistic team is made up of renowned names from the Spanish scene such as Alessio Meloni (scenography), Paola de Diego (costumes), Andreas Prittwitz (music) or Javier Naval (design and photography), among others. The show is co-produced by the Community of Madrid and supported by the National Drama Center, the IBERESCENA Fund and the Coslada City Council, among others.


Founded in Madrid in 2002, Teatro Defondo has emphasized creation, comedy, experimentation, updating classics, theater for young people, and dialogue between text and music. Throughout its 20-year history, the troupe directed by Vanessa Martínez has shared with the public applauded titles such as the dance master, Much ado About Nothing, the theaterpedia, Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, the malandro opera o the atrociousamong many others.



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