Orlando talks about Dalida’s suicide: Abortion, “Suffering” and Promise

Orlando, Dalida’s brother, confided in C à Vous on the last “challenge” that his famous sister took up, the promise he made to her on his deathbed, the “mourning” and the ” suffering”…

OrlandoThe brother of Dalidamade a promise to his famous sister on her deathbed. The producer, real name Bruno Gigliotti, must continue to “take care of Dalida as if she were always there“. Alex Reed on the set of C to you on April 12, Orlando, who is releasing the book with author Catherine Rihoit Dalida, my brother you will write my memoirsexplained to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: “It’s a promise I made to her the day she left. Yolanda (real name of Dalida, editor’s note), she’s my sister, that’s another bereavement, but the artist, I promised her that she will never die“.

Dalida: suicide in full glory

For the singer broke in full glory, dying at the height of her success was a real challenge that she unfortunately met brilliantly. The artist, who suffered from chronic depression during the final years of his life, committed suicide at age 54 on the night of May 2 to 3, 1987, swallowing barbiturates and whiskey, at his home in rue d’Orchampt, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. She has left three letters, one to his beloved brother, the other to his companion and a last to his audience. “Forgive me, life is unbearable to me“, she wrote.

Dalida wanted to “leave in full beauty”: her macabre “challenge”

All his life, Dalida challenged herself. And even the last, she won. She wanted to leave in full glory, in full beauty, she didn’t want time to do its work on her. And when we see how present she is today“, said Orlando in C to you.

The interpreter’s brother Let me dance added: “She is so present today… Maybe she’s timelessmaybe she has something more. It’s a set of Dalida things. It’s not just the voice, it’s everything else, the physique, etc. (…) She knew how to do everything“.

Orlando recounts the “suffering” of Dalida

She always said ‘No one will steal my death in the end. I myself will lower the curtain on the day that I have decided“, he also remembered. Several times, Dalida had attempted suicidebefore that sad day in May 1987. Twenty years earlier, she had already tried to take her own life: “After its suicide attempt in 1967, it was no longer the same. She spent her four winter years and she wanted to know who she was. She had four trips without photographers – she no longer knew where she was and she even thought regarding stopping“.

Dalida: her secret abortion

At the time, the singer had experienced a short romance with an 18 year old italian student, Lucia. An idyll told in his song He had just turned 18. But then the singer is got pregnant before to abort. “You know there was only two people know regarding this story : me and my cousin Rosie. My mother didn’t know it, my brother didn’t know it. She didn’t tell anyone she was pregnant. Even the young man never knew. Maybe he found out later when the book came out“, Orlando explained.

But the singer then “put all his sufferings at the service of his work“. And Orlando to explain: “The entire last period of Dalida greatly influenced authors and composers. When she left, we realized the depth of his texts“.

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