enough circulation and the areaof the express is clearexpress line ofinterstate 4.take this into account.suspicious death in orlandoto ask for help from the public andidentify a hispanic womanvictim of the fact. the incidentit happened near the 800 blockfrom roberto clemente boulevard,meet another partneredwin: thanks. the factIt happened on June 20beatenand dragged alongavenida,Roberto Clemente. we are inthe area in which that was seenHispanic looking woman,curly hair, last 20June and was found deadin that area.we are in front of the schoolroberto clemente.behind the 800 blockwhere was this woman seen,the day she was assaultedmortally.we are right on the avenuein front of that block the policekeep providing informationto identify the person responsibleof deathof this young woman barelyhomicide, like a murder,Like a suspicious death. I knowask for information and that I cancontribute might receive a$5000 reward for contributinginformation that helpsidentify the person responsible.there is a description, a portraitspoken,Hispanic looking woman 30years of curly hair and who hasinformation can be offered to18004238477.It’s the crime stop line.has also been published andcan see on their screens withthe help of the director,several of the garments with whichthis woman was foundof Hispanic appearance, that thepolice keep tryingidentifywho committed this vilemurder, dragging heralong this avenueRoberto Clemente for thea school grounds.specifically around the block800, a reward is offeredfor who can contributeinformationthat identifies the person responsible.amber: precisely where youyou find was where it happenedthe fact stands out that it is 1 toalso populated by largenumber of Hispanics.being a Hispanic womanour population, ouraudience mightdefinitely have thepossibility of identifying it.edwin: correct, populated areaby many Hispanics and thedescription we have of herand what the police have contributed isstarting from the premise.a young woman of 30 years, thecan see once moreHispanic appearance, has thecurly hair and it’s a portraitspoken but fromcorpse reconnaissancethe same because someone, aman dragged her alongfrom the street, the deó deadfinally to the sidehighway and the police needinformation to find thewhereregardings of those responsible forthis horrible thing.Amber: Orlando Policeask for the cooperation ofneighbors and the area of thatavenue to powersolve the case. we are going tomove forward and later we return