Orlando makes his candidacy official in Liguria but first he goes to “learn” from the Chinese –

Edward Sirignano

Orlando formalizes his candidacy for the post-Toti, but first he goes to a lesson with his Chinese friends. There is, after all, no better teacher when it comes to “red things” than the Communist Party of Beijing. This political entity, since the end of the USSR, in terms of power management, has a lot to teach anyone, let alone the Italian broad field. This is why the former Keeper of the Seals, before taking leave from the Roman rooms to begin a new career as governor, chooses to go to the best school of his comrades, the one where you learn to manage the most difficult allies to receive a real political blessing. He would, therefore, have taken advantage of what is the classic institutional trip organized by the Chamber of Deputies, to meet the heirs of those who are called the “wise men of the Great Wall”.

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In fact, between one conference and another, between Wednesday and Thursday, he would have collected precious notes to use upon his return to the boot. The important thing is not to publicize the mission, preceding that of Prime Minister Meloni, to avoid inappropriate comments. In this sense, the former minister’s operation was a perfect success: no one could ever think that the confirmation to take the field in his Liguria could come from distant China. However, the ones who ruined the plans were the vain progressive colleagues, who unlike ours, have no reason to give up a few moments of visibility. The first to publish a shot of the visit to Shanghai on Instagram was Naike Gruppioni, a deputy of Italia Viva.

«In Beijing – she writes on Instagram – with Minister Liu Jianchao, director of the International Liaison Department of the CCP Central Committee and the other members of the delegation of the Italian Parliament of the association “Friends of China” of which I am a member (among which, coincidentally, there is a certain Orlando)». The same parliamentarian, in fact, reveals how the most important political body in Beijing is willing to work with the Italian parties «to strengthen dialogue and communication, increase mutual political trust».

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Along the same lines, the post of the Democratic Party exponent Vinicio Peluffo, who, however, perhaps on the advice of some veteran colleague, prefers to dwell only on the economic contents of the trip and little on those of another nature. One thing is certain, comrade Orlando could not allow that in the land of the Rising Sun, someone else before him went, even if for a bilateral that has nothing to do with colors and ideological positions.

#Orlando #candidacy #official #Liguria #learn #Chinese #Tempo
2024-07-29 20:56:54



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