prognosis in detail howyou must prepare.edgar: imagine how hotwhat has been this yearwe are talking regarding possiblefrom December. followingthanksgiving holidayit’s time to return The authoritiesorlando airportforecast that tomorrow saturdayMore than 160,000 travelers go totransit through the terminal,with greater traffic of thisfestive puente. Andrea Rosaltell us how was todaysituation that we should have inaccount if we are going to travel.andreina: although this fridayeverything looks under control in theinternational airport oforlando and the blackboard brand nomore than five delayed flights,everything might change in thenext few hours, as it is expectedmay this weekend bebusiest all year.We went out to collect thetheir recommendationspassengers who were thereToday’s day for everything to flowin the next few hours.what recommendations do you givethe travelers who arepreparing at this time?>> come early so you don’tforget anything, if something happensyou have time, at leastto leave in case something happens to you,have time to get toflight.>> prepare my luggage well,they have a carryon memake sure the list staysthat does not have anything that isIt is forbidden to carry a carryonI prepared everything very well.andreina: some travelersWhat recommendations did they give us?best way to save if you haveto count several tickets.sonia: that in the passages,because some were one first, and I bought theAnother one later if I buy themall together they cost a lot.andreina: if you want to learnon a trip, I listened to a mothertraveler, they always have lettersunder the sleeveCarolina, your husband says thatyou are the travel expert.tell us what recommendations?carolina: use los car seats,can put things there and notthey weigh it diapers, everything.andreina: last and not leastrecommendations are importantof the other boys>> make the cecchini, buythe extra suitcases thatsuch have because you get morecheap to buy itapp and onlinewhen you arrive at the airport andyou do it on the counter.andreina: to all theserecommendations I would adddo not improvise with the theme of theparking lot. make sure thatsomeone take it you are going totravel in the next few hoursfor this date, normally,the parking lots of the