Orlando Bloom recounts how he experienced the accident in which he was about to lose his life

Breaking the stigma about mental health is something very important, especially for the little ones. On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, which was celebrated on October 10, there are several celebrities who have raised their voices to tell their own testimonies and make the problem visible. That is why UNICEF has launched the campaign, called #OnMyMind (in my mind), and has had the testimony of the famous actor (and also his ambassador) Orlando Bloom, who has narrated a near-death experience that he lived in the past and how it marked a dark stage in his adolescence.

The actor, especially recognized for his appearances in The Lord of the Rings y Pirates of the Caribbean, has revealed one of the hardest episodes of his life. “When I was 19, I fell from a third-story window and broke my back. I was very lucky to survive the fall because my spinal cord was intact,” the interpreter narrated through a video on Instagram. “When I was in the hospital they told me that I might not walk again,” the 45-year-old actor was honest.

The interpreter of Paris in the film TroyHe assures that it cost him a lot to cope with the situation. “That was the beginning of a long and painful journey for me that led me to recognize and understand some of the patterns that had been in my life that had led to numerous accidents. And the culmination was breaking my back, which was a near-death experience,” added Bloom, who suffered a very hard stage.

“I would say that the months after the fall were quite a dark time. As someone who had always been very active in my life, I suddenly felt very restricted and I was in a lot of pain,” said the interpreter, who still remembers very clearly how it felt. “After the operation, I was wearing a back brace and had to start going to the physical therapist. I finally left the hospital on crutches after 12 days,” he explained.

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The actor confessed that there is always something good in every dark stage. “The injury gave me space and time to reflect. Mental health is particularly challenging because it is invisible. But there is always an opportunity to transform pain, whether physical or mental, into the great fortune of your life. It is very important to get closer to other people, talk to people, find someone with whom to create a channel of communication that leads us to transformation and change”, explained the Goodwill Ambassador of the international organization.

This is not the first time that the actor has recounted how his fall from a third floor was, which happened to him when he was trying to reach a roof. The successful interpreter has always remembered the moment he lived in 1998 as a fact that has made him excel in many aspects of his life. It is the clear example that, although there are hard times, the sun can shine again, and every experience helps personal growth.

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