Orl in Musica: Mogol Champions Early Prevention Strategies

A room packed with people on the occasion of the event “Orl in musica” promoted by the Complex Structure of Otorhinolaryngology of the Santa Maria hospital in Terni and its acting Director Dr Antonio Giunta.
An afternoon dedicated to music, entertainment and medicine held at Palazzo Gazzoli but also to charity. In fact, the proceeds from donations made by associations and citizens will be used to purchase equipment for the benefit of patients treated at the Terni hospital.
“From inflammatory diseases such as laryngitis or flu to more serious diseases such as cancer, there are many disorders that can affect the voice – explains Dr. Giunta – There are also postural disorders because the ability to speak is taken for granted and the voice and the muscles of the vocal cords and larynx are used badly. Like any muscle, if it is used badly, there is a risk of injury. Injury to the muscles of the voice determines the lowering of the voice itself. By contacting an ENT specialist at the first signs of discomfort, further problems can be prevented”.

A unique clinic in Umbria: “At the hospital in Terni, thanks to the skills of Dr. Maria Rita Del Zompo, who is also a singer and singing school teacher – continues Giunta – we have activated a voice clinic with a focus on the singing voice”.
Guest of honor Giulio Rapetti Mogol who interviewed by Antonio Giunta took the opportunity to present his new book entitled “La nascita – La salute è il risultato di una cultura assimilata e applicata con rigore”. A series of tips that the great Italian lyricist provides to people to avoid getting sick. Mogol reiterated how primary prevention is essential to avoid incurring diseases: “You need to have a great culture of health because there are habits that are very harmful and that people don’t know about. So you need to be aware of them because it is the mind that governs health”.

The fundamental role played by prevention was also underlined by Lorella Fioriti, vice president of the Order of Physicians in Terni: “Prevention is fundamental for oncological diseases but also for many other pathologies. Sensitizing the population is fundamental, it should be sensitized starting from schools. As an order we are increasingly doing awareness campaigns starting from childhood to safeguard their health”.
The event allowed us to explore, between music, science and entertainment, our body, delving into the aspect of the voice. In particular, voice disorders were analyzed by Dr. Maria Rita Del Zompo. Dr. Massimo Bernardini explored the topic of voice surgery, while Dr. Roberto pesci addressed the topic of smoking and the oral cavity: a dangerous combination for health.

The afternoon was animated and colored by the musical interludes of Maestro Claudio Fabrizzi and Rachele Barchi, soprano of the Giulio Briccialdi music institute of Terni, who brought the notes of Puccini to the stage. A mini concert was also performed by the Enonote Jazz duo composed of Roberta Bartolucci (vocals) and Giuliano Graziani (guitar). “The voice is the desire to exist” was the musical intervention by Dr. Maria Rita Del Zompo. The evening ended in style with Carlotta Scarlatto and her mini concert.

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What are the most common voice disorders treated in otorhinolaryngology?

The Power of Voice: Exploring the Importance of Otorhinolaryngology and Prevention

[[[[Meta Description: Learn about the significance of otorhinolaryngology ⁣and prevention in maintaining ‌a ‌healthy⁢ voice. Discover the latest insights from experts‍ in the field and​ the importance of charitable events in supporting medical research.]

As we go about our‌ daily lives, we often take for ⁤granted the incredible ⁤instrument that is our voice. However, voice‌ disorders can affect anyone, from inflammatory diseases like laryngitis to more serious conditions like cancer. Recently, an event called ‍”Orl in musica” brought together medical professionals, musicians, and charity supporters to raise awareness ⁣and funds for the promotion of otorhinolaryngology and the⁤ importance of prevention.

The Complexity of Voice Disorders

Dr. Antonio ⁤Giunta, Director of‌ the Complex Structure of Otorhinolaryngology at the Santa Maria hospital in Terni, emphasized the significance of early detection ‍and treatment of ⁤voice disorders. “From inflammatory diseases to cancer, there are many disorders that can affect the‌ voice,” he explained. “Moreover, postural disorders can also impact⁣ our vocal cords and larynx, leading to injuries and voice strain.” Dr. ‍Giunta highlighted the importance of consulting an ⁤ENT specialist at the first signs of discomfort⁢ to prevent further problems.

A Unique Voice Clinic in⁢ Umbria

The hospital ‍in Terni is home to a pioneering voice clinic, thanks ‍to the expertise of Dr. Maria Rita Del Zompo,‌ an ENT specialist and singer. This clinic⁤ focuses on the singing voice, providing a ​unique service to patients in the region. Dr. Giunta praised Dr. Del​ Zompo’s ‍work, ‍saying, “Our voice clinic is one of a kind ⁢in Umbria,‌ and we are proud ‌to offer this ‍specialized service to our patients.”

The Power of Prevention

Giulio ⁢Rapetti Mogol, a renowned Italian lyricist, ‍was the guest of honor at the event. He presented his new book, “La nascita – La salute è il risultato di una cultura assimilata e applicata con rigore,” which emphasizes the importance of primary prevention in⁢ avoiding diseases. Mogol stressed that having a great culture of health ‍is essential, and‍ people need to be aware of⁣ harmful habits that⁤ can lead to illness.

Lorella Fioriti, Vice President of the Order of Physicians in Terni,⁤ also underscored the crucial role ⁣of prevention in maintaining health. “Sensitizing the population is fundamental, ⁣and it should start from schools. As an order, we are doing more awareness campaigns starting from childhood to safeguard⁢ their health,” she said.

Expert Insights and Charitable Support

The ​event featured a‍ range of expert talks, ⁤including Dr. Maria Rita Del Zompo’s analysis of voice disorders, ⁣Dr. Massimo Bernardini’s discussion ⁢on voice surgery, and Dr. Roberto Pesci’s examination of ‌the dangers of smoking and oral health. The afternoon was punctuated by musical interludes from Maestro Claudio Fabrizzi ⁢and Rachele Barchi, soprano of the Giulio Briccialdi music institute of Terni.

The proceeds from donations made by associations and citizens will be used to purchase equipment ​for the benefit of patients treated at the Terni hospital. This event serves as a testament to the power of charitable support in advancing medical research ⁤and improving patient care.


The “Orl in musica” event was a resounding success,⁢ bringing together the worlds of music, medicine, and charity to promote the‍ importance of otorhinolaryngology and prevention. As we reflect on the significance of our voice and the impact of voice ⁢disorders, we are⁢ reminded of the importance of prioritizing our health and seeking professional help when needed. By supporting charitable initiatives like this event, we can contribute to the advancement of medical research and ​improve the lives of patients⁣ around‍ the world.



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