Origin of Covid: the silence of France

2023-10-17 08:38:27

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the hypothesis of the escape of a virus from a laboratory was generally considered conspiratorial. Three years and a few revelations later, several journalistic investigations show that this is not the case. Two French journalists, in particular, democratize this complex subject and reveal facts which question the share of responsibility of the French State.

« We are united in strongly condemning conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 has no natural origin. […] Conspiracy theories only create fear, rumors and prejudice that jeopardize our global collaboration in the fight once morest this virus. » In this forum1 published in February 2020 in The Lancet (and signed by eminent virologists, microbiologists and other specialists in biomolecular sciences), the message is said: move around, there is nothing to see.

Nearly four years later, numerous revelations raise doubts regarding the confidence with which these scientists affirmed that the hypothesis of a laboratory leak was absolutely improbable, even conspiratorial.

Investigative work widely underway in the United States

In the United States, significant investigative work has been carried out by journalists, associations like US Right to Know or collectives like DRASTIC (Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating Covid-19) and made it possible to reveal facts that call into question the objectivity of some of the protagonists defending the idea of ​​a natural origin of the virus. This is how we learned, for example, that various government agencies (Department of Energy, FBI) ​​had been leaning towards the laboratory leak hypothesis for some time. Or the existence of close scientific collaborations between the Wuhan laboratory and American organizations such as the NIH (National Institutes of Health) or EcoHealth Alliance (an NGO led by Peter Daszak, one of the signatories of the “anti-conspiracy” forum of the Lancet).

Meanwhile, in France, little similar work has been undertaken, except by a few courageous journalists whose work has, until now, had little impact with the general public.

An alleged infallibility of laboratories relayed with a lot of language elements

In France, at the very beginning of the pandemic, the accidental leak hypothesis in the laboratory began to make more and more people talk regarding her on social networks and in the editorial offices. But it would have been skillfully suppressed with a lot of language on the supposed infallibility of these P4 laboratories (laboratories which work on the most dangerous pathogens – “class 4” – and therefore present the highest level of safety among the different types of laboratory, Editor’s note), idea particularly relayed by China. However, at the same time, senior WHO dignitaries were reportedly concerned during meetings in February 2020 regarding the high probability of this hypothesis.

In April 2020, two articles published in the American press, including that of Washington Post which we had echoed, seriously evoked the trail of escape. At the same time, Donald Trump announced that he was launching an investigation. In France, articles report on these revelations, but the opacity in laboratory regulations makes it difficult to know whether, yes or not, coronaviruses were studied in the said Wuhan laboratory.

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« Everything shows that the bat and the pangolin are innocent »

In France, it is in 2022 that the newspaper Pointin particular, reveals several elements revealing “ a completely different story than the one told to the public » which presented the pandemic as a “ surprise impossible to predict and having taken the president by surprise in mid-March 2020 »2. Among the journalists who worked on these revelations is Jérémy André, the newspaper’s Asia correspondent who published the book last April “In the name of science”. Covid-19 – Who lied to us? (published by Albin Michel) in which he reports little-known facts (notably the links between the Pasteur Institute and the Wuhan laboratory) which deny many of the elements of language put into circulation by the authorities and « revolutionizes[nt] the official history of the pandemic ».

His investigation leads him to conclude that if “ everything shows that the bat and the pangolin are innocent “, China and France would have, “ their share of responsibility » in a possible accident that took place in the P4 laboratory in Wuhan. Indeed, according to his findings, internal notes from certain Inserm services “ betray [dès 2018] the premonitory fear of an accident in Wuhan ».

In his book, Jérémy André concludes, in very clear terms: “ France itself has its secrets. She had feared a laboratory accident in Wuhan for years. She took shelter when the pandemic broke out behind language elements : the [laboratoire] P4 would not work on coronaviruses; there was no more cooperation; it was a Chinese affair. But in the absence of an open investigation, nothing in reality excludes that the P4 or France were involved in research which would have caused an accident. »

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The French State aware of the risks since 2018?

Another French journalist, Marc Endeweld, tackled the subject in one of the chapters of his book The influence. France under influence (published in January 2022 by Editions du Seuil) in which he discusses in particular how confidential exchanges between French diplomats suggest that the French state would have been kept informed of what was happening in Wuhan “ much earlier than the story told so far from the storytelling of certain officials ».

In a recent article3 devoted to the way in which France treated and described the origin of Covid and published on its site, it traces the hesitations and negotiations at the heart of power to define an official position on the issue. He recalls that the Wuhan high-security laboratory was “ built with help from France » and ” the links between the French scientific community and the Wuhan Institute of Virology are far from being severed when the Covid-19 pandemic occurs “. According to him, if the hypothesis of a laboratory leak is not “ still not scientifically proven, the lack of transparency from China as from other states on high security laboratories should at least raise questionsboth in the media and within the national representation in a democratic country like France.

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