2023-04-16 11:51:00
In the program “It’s not every day on Sunday” on April 16, it was in particular a question of school holidays in Flanders and Wallonia. While the two have different vacation dates, how do you organize when the family frequents establishments in the north and south of the country? For Gaëlle, a teacher, this situation cannot last any longer.
This weekend marks the end of spring break for the north of the country, while French-speaking students and teachers will only be there in two weeks. A calendar difference that can create organizational problems for some families. For Gaëlle, a teacher in a French-immersion school whose children go to school in Flanders, this difference poses too many complications.
So much so that she thinks of leaving to teach in the north of the country. “I plan to apply in Flanders because they open doors for you there. (…) I have been teaching immersion for 18 years, I love my job. I really believe in the immersion project, but I’m considering going there because I was taken away from an advantage that I had“, she says, referring to the right she had to have time off with her children.
She goes on to explain:These are not the working conditions I signed up for at the start of my career. (…) There are even teachers who had to bring their child with them to school“.
At the political level, it blocks
The Member of the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region and the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB), Delphine Chabbert (PS) and the Member of the Brussels Parliament, David Leisterh (MR), were also present on the set to give their opinion on these famous school holidays. And it is clear that between the two parties, the disagreement is (almost) total.
The MR would like a new reform on this reform of school holidays so that Flemings and Francophones have more often holidays together. For its part, the PS believes that this choice of calendar is beneficial for the well-being of children, but also for its results.
While waiting to see how the situation will evolve, the subject of school holidays in Belgium does not leave anyone indifferent.
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