Organizations demand that the OAS fight authoritarianism and persecution in opposition to social leaders

Luque (Paraguay), June 26 (EFE).- Social organizations from the Americas demanded this Wednesday that the OAS confront the authoritarian regimes within the area, to cease the persecution and imprisonment of opponents and social leaders and to ensure the rights of migrants and girls.

Thirty-four spokespersons, representing almost 450 social leaders of the continent, participated within the dialogue between civil society with the heads of delegation and the Secretary Basic of the OAS, Luis Almagro, throughout the framework of the 54th Basic Meeting of the organism.

From the Union Technical Advisory Council, Nahuel Placanica requested nations to make sure the safety of the collective rights of employees who, as he mentioned, They endure persecution, even homicide, and campaigns to criminalize their reliable proper to strike.

The Minister of International Affairs of Paraguay, Rubén Ramírez, EFE/ Bienvenido Velasco

Different organizations, such because the Coalition of Human Rights Organizations of the Americas, They expressed their concern in regards to the deterioration of democratic establishments and the advance of authoritarianism.

Alongside these traces, Paraguayan Dante Leguizamón drew consideration to the appliance of “regressive” safety insurance policies with the prolongation of emergency regimes in El Salvador and Ecuador, in addition to the militarization of safety in Mexico.

For its half, Nicole Hernández, from the Justice and Peace Middle, demanded that the OAS assure “free and honest” elections in Venezuela, the place, in her opinion, a state of affairs of repression of the opposition prevails.

He denounced that, in the midst of an election yr, 32 “arbitrary arrests” of social and political leaders and 17 pressured disappearances have been recorded.

Concern about insecurity and migrants

Civil society spokespersons agreed that the escalation of insecurity within the area constitutes an affront to democracy and places in danger the human rights of traditionally relegated communities and hundreds of migrants who’re uncovered to unlawful human trafficking and excessive violence. and disappearances.

In that sense, Cristian Badillo, from the Constructing New Horizons Coalition, proposed the creation of a genetic identification financial institution that permits households to determine their lacking individuals.

Likewise, Luis Carlos Rodríguez, from Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement, demanded to enhance and strengthen the nationwide refugee and asylum programs and that nations “chorus from the usage of securitarian and restrictive speeches and insurance policies at borders.”

The Minister of International Affairs of Paraguay, Rubén Ramírez. EFE/ Bienvenido Velasco

Violence in opposition to ladies

Different teams, resembling Synergia-Initiatives for Human Rights, within the voice of Mirta Moragas, demanded that States defend ladies from “imposed motherhood” and inadequate entry to contraception, abortion and sexual and reproductive well being companies for ladies. ladies.

However, Juan Pablo Pezzetta of Asociación Civil Abogados por la Vida – Santa Fe, questioned that the Ibero-American Fee on Human Rights (IACHR) supposedly applies an “ideological bias” and “judicial selectivism” when prioritizing circumstances on the decriminalization of abortion or calls for of the LGTBI neighborhood and doesn’t deal with priorities resembling poverty or insecurity.

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2024-06-27 04:01:19

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