ORF in memory of Alfred Komarek: Program changes in ORF 2, ORF III and Ö1

2024-01-27 18:49:11

With, among other things, obituaries in “kulturMontag” and “Kultur Today”, TV portrait “Alfred Komarek – The Story Collector” and Ö1 “Images of People”, feature film “Polt.”

Vienna (OTS) – In memory of Alfred Komarek, who died today, Saturday, January 27, 2024 at the age of 78, the ORF is changing its program and honoring the award-winning author of numerous books, radio plays, essays, stories and TV -Screenplays and radio maker, who in the 1970s was the designer of the legendary Ö3 series “Melody Exclusive – Sentimental Examples”, in addition to current reporting with several programs on TV and radio.

ORF General Director Roland Weißmann: “Alfred Komarek was not only an Ö3 pioneer from the very beginning, but above all one of the most outstanding contemporary writers who surveyed Austria’s people, regions and landscapes like no other. With his ‘Polt’ novels filmed by ORF or the crime novels regarding Daniel Käfer, he made television history and thrilled audiences in large numbers. His love for the country and its people was particularly expressed in this. Alfred Komarek and his work will never be forgotten.”

The shipments at a glance

Tomorrow, on Sunday, January 28th, Ö1 will be publishing an edition of the portrait series “Images of People” (2:10 p.m.) with the title “Incitement to Pause,” which illustrates how Alfred Komarek became a widely read, literary companion with his extensive work Austrian and European cultural landscapes.

ORF 2 remembers the Bad Ausseer native with an obituary in “kulturMontag” on January 29th at 10:30 p.m. and the subsequent TV portrait “Alfred Komarek – The Story Collector” (11:30 p.m.) by Sandra Krieger, created for his 75th birthday . This is followed by the feature film “Polt.”, produced in 2013 – Julian Roman Pölsler’s fifth TV adaptation of the novel series regarding the lonesome Weinviertler gendarme Simon Polt, portrayed by Erwin Steinhauer, with whom Alfred Komarek created a cult figure in German-language crime literature. In “Polt.”, the former gendarmerie inspector is now retired and has hardly any contact with his work colleagues. His life has become much calmer and he is relaxed regarding his future with his partner. But that suddenly changes when a body is found whose identity no one seems to know – or at least pretends to.

ORF III also pays tribute to Alfred Komarek with an obituary in “Kultur Today” on Monday, January 29th. Further program changes are planned.

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