ORF festival reception in Salzburg attracted top-class guests » Leadersnet

| Tobias Seifried


For the first time, the new General Director Roland Weißmann invited to the media company’s cocktail party.

With the traditional ceremony in the Felsenreitschule on July 26, 2022, the Salzburg Festival 2022 was officially opened by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. Of the ORF broadcast the event live and thus started a comprehensive trimedial program focus for the 102nd edition of the internationally renowned festival. According to the public broadcaster, its own culture team offers around 100 hours of TV and radio programming. There is also an extensive range of online and information services orf.at.

General director invited to the cocktail reception

To get in the mood for this, the traditional ORF-Cocktail reception of the General Director in Salzburg, to which Roland Weißmann had invited for the first time in this function. Around 100 guests from art, culture, politics and business came together at the von ORF-TV culture director Martin Traxl moderated the event in the sponsors’ lounge of the Great Festival Hall.

“For 97 years, i.e. almost since the very beginning, public broadcasting has been a reliable media partner of the Salzburg Festival, which today also thanks to the excellent cooperation with the ORF are not only Austria’s most important cultural scene, but are also unique in the world”, emphasizes ORF-General Director Roland Weißmann. “I am delighted that the entire ORF cultural fleet can again use their strengths this year to make this special cultural event accessible to as many people as possible throughout the country and beyond. More than 100 hours of TV and radio programming as well as a extensive online focus with live broadcasts of first-class concerts and opera productions, detailed reporting as well as accompanying documentation, magazine programs or artist talks bring our audience closer to the cultural phenomenon of the Salzburg Festival in all its facets. I would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment and wish a successful festival summer”, says Weißmann.

Top-class guests

The following guests left the ORF-Don’t miss the cocktail reception: Salzburg Festival director Markus Hinterhäuser, the new festival president Kristina Hammer, commercial director Lukas Crepaz, concert manager Florian Wiegand and the outgoing “paramour” Verena Altenberger, as well as the members of the board of trustees Jürgen Meindl (head of the arts and culture section in the Federal Chancellery) and Christian Kircher (Managing Director Bundestheater-Holding), the board of directors of the Friends of the Salzburg Festival Siegbert Stronegger, Siemens CEO Wolfgang Hesoun, Unitel Managing Director Ernst Buchrucker, the cultural managers Johanna Rachinger (Austrian National Library), Bettina Leidl (MuseumsQuartier), Elisabeth Schweeger and Manuela Reichert (Capital of Culture Bad Ischl), as well LEADERSNET.at-Chief editor Julia Weninger, publisher and media manager like Christian Rainer (Profile), Christian Mucha (Extradienst) or Markus Nievelstein (Managing Director of until Germany and until-Coordinator there ARD). on the part of ORF Among others, the following took part: Commercial Director Eva Schindlauer, Radio Director Ingrid Thurnher, Technical Director Harald Krauter, Salzburg State Director Waltraud Langer, ORF-III-Program manager and head of coordination of cultural programs ORF Peter Schoeber, further S1-Chief Martin Bernhofer, Lothar Lockl and Franz Medwenitsch – Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the ORF-Foundation Board, the moderators Teresa Vogl, Clarissa Stadler and Eva Pölzl.

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LEADERSNET was present at the event. You can find impressions in our Galerie.



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