ORF article: Gerald Grosz’s cat received a warning

The cat of former BZÖ politician Gerald Grosz received a reminder. The payment request, including a threat of wage garnishment, is addressed to “Chouchou Grosz”. The political consultant with a penchant for actionism asserted that he had not actively registered the cat. He had already wanted to put his cat in the running for the SPÖ chairmanship. The ORF is investigating the case.

238,76 Euro

Grosz – or rather his cat – received the “2nd (and final) reminder” on August 1st. According to this, the pet, which was obviously registered at his address, would have to pay 238.76 euros, and the deadline is August 22nd. Also attached is an “enforceable arrears certificate” which can be used to obtain an execution without a civil lawsuit. The sender is ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH.

Grosz, who has repeatedly tried to make headlines through political activism, cannot explain the matter. In March 2023, he tried to register his cat as an SPÖ member so that it could run for the SPÖ chairmanship. This action and the registration for the vaccination certificate are the only two ways that the cat’s data could have been passed on, says Grosz.

ORF wants to investigate causes

The warning is certainly welcome to the declared opponent of the household tax. He sees it as proof of the senselessness of the “ORF idiot law”, as he puts it with his usual lack of restraint. He said that the animal is “calmly” facing the possibility of wages being garnished, although he was not entirely serious.

A spokesman for the ORF announced that the ORF-Beitrags Service GmbH would investigate the reasons for the mail. The new contribution of 15.30 euros per month and household – secondary residences are excluded – has been in force since January 1st. Since then, it has not mattered whether you have a television or a radio in your own four walls. For most people, it has become cheaper. However, hundreds of thousands of households have had to pay for the first time.

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