“Order Your Mind and Home: Tips and Tricks from IKEA, Marie Kondo, and More”

2023-04-20 10:05:44

They say IKEA and the General Council of Psychology in the study Households with psychology: he order at home is one of the variables that contribute to our psychological well-being y happiness. Among his practical recommendations for having a tidy housethe Swedish brand invites us to make the bed every day; to keep the kitchen tidy; clothes in clean and orderly drawers and closets; all our objects well placed and stored in their place; And, as a climax: keep in mind that the fewer objects (books, clothes, backpacks…) we have in sight, the better.

Your brain needs a tidy house

The neurology corroborates it. According to a recent investigation of the Princeton and Texas-Austin Universitieshe human brain It has natural mechanisms to order the information it receives and thus be more efficient. That is to say, that our brain is “naturally” ordered. His need to order himself is explained, in a certain way, because it is order that makes him function optimally. In addition, the negative emotions have a direct effect on the region of the brain with which we make decisions, that is, that in a disorderly environment we are less able to think well and concentrate. Hence, naturally the brain cleans of the unnecessary.

The mental order influences the order of your house

The external order benefits the mental order, but also the mental order also benefits the external order.

But there is more. He external order benefits the mental order, but also the mental order also benefits the external order. For Marie Kondo it is obvious. “Reflect regarding aspects of life that we have not yet tidied up, even a little bit, speeds up the organizing process dramatically. It helps us to see why we resist letting go of certain objects and to recognize what we are clinging to. Consequently, ordering is a deeper process“, he explains in his latest book: The Kurashi Method. And he adds: “Our attitudes towards our belongings, relationships, work and lifestyle they are interrelated. So it is more effective address blockages from both perspectives: our belongings and our inner selves.” In fact, Marie Kondo always begins her organizing classes with these questions: Were you good at tidying up as a child? What do you do? Why did you choose your job? How do you spend your days off? or what do you like to do the most?

From Marie Kondo to La Ordenatriz: 5 tricks to start organizing your mind and home

Think of home improvement as a cumulative process that takes time. Slowly but surely.

in his book Cleanliness, order and happiness: Little tricks to solve big disasters, Bego, the Orderer says: “I began to sense that the order was not something external, but was related to the mindthe will and the heart. what to clean and organize Mi House might you help me clean up also order my mind and my feelings“. For her, the starting point is to be clear regarding a series of ideas that will accompany you throughout the process. These are our favourites:

  • Patience, patience, patience

“We live in a world of immediacy in which we want everything now, right now. We don’t like to wait. But both the order like cleaning have their rhythms, which we can’t speed up. (…) Above all, don’t try to do it all in one day, because you will exhaust yourself and, in addition, you will not do it well. Think of home improvement as a cumulative process that takes time. Slowly but surely“.

“Your house and its tasks are endless, believe me. when you get to clean or orderalways start with the area that bothers or bothers you the mostbecause focusing your attention and your efforts there will have an immediate effect on your welfare and it will motivate you to keep progressing“.

Focus on the solution and not on the problem. When you look at your house do not think: “Look how everything is, if I am a disaster.” talk to yourself well love and compassion and be understandingeither. Would you be like this with a friend? The important thing is not how you got there, but rather having assumed that there is a problem and starting to solve it,” he says. Bea the Orderer.

  • If you don’t use it, get rid of it

“When tidying up, think regarding the last time you used what you’re holding, and if it’s been over a year, seriously consider getting it out of your home and out of your life, whether it’s selling it, donating it or giving it away to that friend that you know will take advantage of it”. And he adds: “Getting rid of what we use can be complicated because, often, it forces us to say goodbye to a person we are no longer“explains The Ordatrix.

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