Orbán – Hungary is an island of free speech – 2024-04-20 10:30:33

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán used a panel discussion at the Conservative conference in Brussels to reinforce his position on the migration crisis.

“Anyone who crosses our borders illegally is breaking the law. This is not a human right, but a criminal offense,” Orbán made clear. Hungary maintains that a border must be viewed as such by everyone, meaning that it can only be crossed in a way that complies with the law. Asylum seekers would have to wait outside until their application is processed. The Hungarian Prime Minister sees a red line here: As long as this is crossed, Europe’s migration problem cannot be solved.

Liberals want voter growth

It is clear to Hungary that they do not want a mixed society here, but that they want to preserve their own culture and traditions. Precisely in order to preserve the member states’ sovereign right to make decisions, there cannot be a common migration policy at EU level. A Christian-influenced Europe is now being challenged by uncontrolled immigration, primarily from Muslim countries. You have to ask yourself what Europe and what Hungary should look like in the future.

“We cannot force people to follow a religion. But we can try to strengthen the institution of the family to convince young people that it is good to start a family.”

Today the EU Commission is openly blackmailing conservative governments like Hungary because they are “not behaving properly”. This means that a commission that was actually seen as a guardian of the treaties has become a political actor. The Liberals are pushing illegal immigration because they hope to get voters from it. “This is not regarding the economy, this is regarding influencing democracy,” warned Orbán, who described Hungary as an island in the “ocean of woke-liberal Europe” where the conservatives still speak freely and make political plans for them be allowed to spin the future.

Ukraine a protectorate of the West

Regarding the Ukraine war, Viktor Orbán repeated his thesis that Ukraine is no longer an independent country, but a protectorate of the West that might not survive without ongoing arms deliveries and financial subsidies. “The trigger for this war was the issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership. The Russians will never allow Ukraine to join the defense alliance in its current form. They will do everything they can to maintain a buffer zone with NATO.”


Orbán: “That’s not populism, that’s politics.”

Moderator and head of the Edmund Burke Foundation, Yoram Hazony, said Hungary might take a leading role in Europe’s conservative movement. Viktor Orbán noted that Italy or France would be more suitable for a political leadership role. But it is important to fight more actively for freedom once more, as oppression has become part of everyday life in Western Europe. The previous day in Brussels, when the continuation of the conference hung in the balance for hours, was striking proof of this.

“The last time the communists attacked me was in 1988

set the police on his neck,

to silence me.

We didn’t give up then

and we won’t give up this time either!”

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on X on the temporary ban on the NatCon conference in Brussels.

The Hungarian also rejected the common left-liberal accusations of populism: “I make promises and keep them. This is not populism, this is politics.”


#Orbán #Hungary #island #free #speech



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