Orano and the Chinese LTX will invest 1.5 billion euros in Dunkirk in a component factory

2023-05-12 15:42:00

Emmanuel Macron keeps the first of the good news. The Chinese XTC and the French Orano are preparing to invest 1.5 billion euros and create 1,700 jobs in a lithium battery production plant in Dunkirk (North).

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« We have just signed with XTC and Orano the production of cathode materials for lithium batteries “, he confirmed during his trip, specifying that the project amounted to “ 1.5 billion euros for 1,700 jobs ».

This industrial establishment is in addition to the upcoming arrival of a factory for 5.2 billion euros of the Taiwanese group ProLogium in the same city, confirmed Thursday, May 11 by the company with the key 3,000 jobs in the factory and 12,000 indirect jobs for the territory.

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« 20,000 jobs » advertised around Dunkirk

« Before the end of the decade, we will have more than 20,000 new jobs in the Dunkirk basinsaid Emmanuel Macron. We will put the package on skills and training, it is the mother of battles ». Orano has planned to communicate on this subject at the Choose France summit, organized on Monday May 15 in Versailles, by the Elysée, to attract foreign investors. For its part, XTC New Energy Materials is a specialist in the production of materials for lithium batteries.

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After presenting Thursday the contours of the law on green industry, the Head of State wants to convince that the dynamics of reindustrialization of France is engaged. He had however deplored on the same occasion the fact that “France has become more deindustrialized than the other countries in Europe, (…) sometimes we let it do it (…), and then it was suffered. We have lost 12 points of industry’s share of GDP”. And to point that we have ” a differential of ten points compared to our German neighbors (…) [en termes de PIB par habitant]. It’s not tenable ».

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Hauts-de-France, an emerging battery hub

To attract industrial investment, Emmanuel Macron wants to avoid further burdening the regulatory framework. He assures us that we must no longer add of environmental standards following the application of the European Union’s Green Deal to restore ” stability in the matter. ” Personally, I prefer factories that meet our European standards, which are the best, rather than those who still want to add standards “, pleaded the head of state, to justify his call for a” pause » regulations at European level.

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Even before the announcements of this Friday, three establishments of battery factories are already scheduled in Hauts-de-France. The first plant will be built by ACC (a joint venture between Stellantis, TotalEnergies and Mercedes-Benz) and is due to open soon in Douvrin near Lens (Pas-de-Calais). Then, a factory of the Sino-Japanese group AESC-Envision will supply batteries for Renault in Douai (North) from 2025. Finally, the third site of the Grenoble start-up Verkor will start production in Dunkirk from mid-2025 , also with Renault as its main customer.

(With AFP)