Orange alert for all of Neuquén, due to wind and snowfall, and in part of Río Negro, this Friday

2023-11-16 23:28:06

The week in Neuquen y Black river Its protagonist is the wind and the gusts. He National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a yellow alert and orange this Friday, November 17. In some places, gusts of up to 120 kilometers per hour. In addition, the Cordillera will be affected by rain and snowfall, which is why a yellow alert is in effect for that sector. In some schools, it was announced that there will be suspension of classes. The detail by areas and the worst schedules.

“The area will be affected by winds from the western sector with speeds between 50 and 75 km/h, and gusts that can reach 120 km/h, which may be exceeded from time to time,” indicated the SMN.

For its part, the AIC also warned due to worsening weather conditions both in Neuquén and Río Negro.

As indicated on Wednesday, the passage of a frontal system from the Pacific Ocean, in northern Patagonia, will cause rain and snowfall in the mountain range, in addition to starting this Thursday and» until the morning of Saturday the 18th inclusive, “The winds will remain in the valleys and plateau.”

Wind alert in Neuquén: the affected areas

Aluminé Mountain Range – Chos Malal Mountain Range – Loncopué Mountain Range – Minas Mountain Range – Picunches Mountain Range – Ñorquín Mountain Range, East of Loncopué – East of Picunches – East of Ñorquín – West of Añelo – West of Pehuenches – South of Chos Malal – South of Minas: For this area, the wind alert began on Thursday followingnoon and will continue until Saturday at noon. It will be the orange level alert, in the followingnoon and evening of Friday.

Huiliches Mountain Range – Lácar Mountain Range – South of Aluminé: There is a yellow alert for wind from Thursday morning until Friday night. That day, in addition, the warning will go up to orange in the followingnoon, then go down to yellow and continue until Saturday morning.

Villa La Angostura: yellow alert for wind from Thursday until Saturday morning.

Catán Lil – Collón Curá – Zapala – Lower area of ​​Aluminé – Lower area of ​​Huiliches – Lower area of ​​Lácar: The wind alert is in effect from Thursday morning and will extend until noon on Saturday. The warning is orange on Friday followingnoon.

Confluence – East of Añelo – East of Pehuenches – Picún Leufú: In this area, the yellow alert for winds began on Thursday followingnoon and will continue until Saturday at noon. On Friday, it will rise to orange during the followingnoon and evening.

Wind alert in Río Negro: the affected areas

Bariloche – Pilcaniyeu Mountain Range – Ñorquinco Mountain Range: For this area, a yellow alert for wind is in effect from Thursday morning until Saturday morning.

Pilcaniyeu Plateau – Ñorquincó Plateau – Nueve de Julio – West of El Cuy – Veinticinco de Mayo: The yellow alert for wind began on Thursday followingnoon and will extend until Saturday at noon.

East of El Cuy – General Roca- Conesa – Adolfo Alsina Plateau – San Antonio Plateau – Valcheta – Adolfo Alsina and San Antonio Coast – Pichi Mahuida – Avellaneda A yellow alert for wind is in effect starting Thursday followingnoon and extends until Saturday at noon.

Yellow alert for rain and snow in Neuquén and Río Negro: the affected areas

On the other hand, for a good part of the mountain area of ​​Río Negro and Neuquén the SMN launched a rain alert, with values ​​between 20 and 40 millimeters. A snow warning also applies and accumulations of between 50 and 75 centimeters might be recorded, where the orange level warning applies.

Bariloche – Pilcaniyeu Mountain Range – Ñorquincó Mountain Range: In this area, there is an orange alert for rain on Thursday night. On Friday, meanwhile, there is an orange alert for snowfall, during the early morning, and then yellow in the morning.

Villa La Angostura: There is an orange alert for rain during Thursday night. During Friday, due to snowfall, orange level in the early morning, and then yellow, during the morning and followingnoon.

Huiliches Mountain Range – Lácar Mountain Range – South of Aluminé: There is a yellow alert for rain on Thursday night, while the warning for snowfall is in effect for all of Friday (orange level during the early hours).

Aluminé Mountain Range – Chos Malal Mountain Range – Loncopué Mountain Range – Minas Mountain Range – Picunches Mountain Range – Ñorquín Mountain Range: This area will be under a snowfall alert throughout the entirety of Friday. It is orange level during the early morning and yellow from the morning and during the night.

Wind alert in Neuquén: the Government’s warning

Due to a new weather alert issued for the province of Neuquén, the Undersecretary of Civil Defense and Citizen Protection, Martín Giusti, explained that “We have received the report from the Interjudicial Authority of Cuencas, from the National Meteorological Service that reports on a cold front that enters the Los Lagos area with rain and snow precipitation in the mountain range starting on Thursday, intensifying with wind in the entire province”.

At this point he maintained that “starting on Thursday followingnoon we are going to have gusts exceeding 80 kilometers in a large part of the province, and on Friday the gusts are going to increase.” exceed 100 kilometers once more in the central zonejust as it happened two weeks ago, and This condition is maintained until Saturday”.

Giusti explained that “this front that leaves from the south of the province towards the north is expected to begin to enter the mountain range, with a lot of rainfall, both water and snow, in the entire strip from Villa La Angostura towards Copahue, and it will also go It will snow in the northern area, in the Andacollo area, so once more ask the ranchers to protect the animals and be careful when traveling in the mountain range because you will have to wear chains and be attentive to the border crossings that work with intermittency when they have this type of inclemency.”

Furthermore, he stated that “Now it is a yellow alert, let’s hope it stays yellow, if they raise it to orange it will be more complicated because the intensities of the winds exceed 100 kilometers and we haveAs we have already had truck accidents days ago that overturned due to the same wind that occurs, so we are anticipating with the information so that people who have to travel to vote or have to leave in time for the long weekend do so. or Thursday or Saturday, which are the days of lower intensity.”

Warning from the Government of Neuquén: suggestions on the route

Finally, he indicated that “we recommend travel with caution, carry hot infusions, always carry fuelUnfortunately, this weekend we had an incident on the route that caused traffic to be stopped for more than 5 hours and people had to wait in their vehicles for 5 hours to be able to circulate, so they brought blankets, infusions and fuel to be able to withstand an emergency. ”.

#Orange #alert #Neuquén #due #wind #snowfall #part #Río #Negro #Friday



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