orange alert and igneous emergency declared

The forest fire that broke out this followingnoon in the slope of the Currumahuida hill in El HoyoChubut, motivated the authorities to decree an “orange alert” for the sector with the immediate evacuation order and prepare the possible clearance of other neighborhoods.

Civil Defense of the municipality notified at 5:00 p.m. of the incident that began hours before and that generated concern among the inhabitants and tourists of the Andean Region due to the intense column of smoke that is visible from different areas, including from El Bolsón.

In March 2021 there was a devastating fire that devastated 13,000 hectares.

The fire started in an area of ​​vegetation, near the sector of vineyardsclose to the Labyrinth, and it spread rapidly through dry vegetation and high temperatures, according to references in the area.

Civil Defense indicated that the sectors of El Pinar, La Zeta and El Desemboque are on “yellow alert” and must prepare for an eventual evacuation.

They work on site Provincial Fire Management Service of Chubut, Volunteer Firefighters, National Brigade of the National Fire Management Service and Splif of El Bolsóntogether with air resources, including two fire hydrant planes.

This followingnoon, the temperature reached 26°C in the Andean Region.

The forest fire risk index had been determined today as “very high” due to dry conditions and high temperatures. An increase in wind is forecast during the early morning.

The Municipality of El Hoyo reported this followingnoon the declaration of the igneous emergency through resolution 128/23. It was requested that they not circulate in the area if it is not necessary to avoid congesting the roads through which emergency vehicles travel.

The area is on orange alert.

On Friday another fire had broken out in the El Pedregoso area that was finally contained yesterday but there was fear due to the wind.

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