oracle power animals for each sign

since a couple of days, next to the full moon in VirgoeThe planet Saturn also entered Pisces. In this way the planet will be positioned in the last sign of the zodiac until February 14 of 2026.

“Pisces is ruled by Jupiter y Neptunetwo expansive, spiritual energies, poorly delimited and the truth, reluctant to the crude realism and limitation that it brings Saturn”, warned the author.

To explain how these energies will be discussed, the astrologer and author Julieta Suarez Valente remembered what it tells us mythology regarding the three deities: «Saturn swallowed Neptune -one of his sons- and Jupiter, also his son, managed to escape the fate of being devoured by his father, he was able to rescue his brothers and banish his progenitor. They are clearly not energies that get along.”

Now, how can we interpret this? According to the creator of Multiespacio Evolutivo Escuela, the planet Saturn “can come to devour our fantasies and our denial optimism to replace it with a more proactive and realistic viewin which esotericism, intentions and rituals are accompanied by strategy, commitment and action”.

Saturn in Pisces will pass through one of our astrological houses and will bring adjustments, the author indicated. The transit will be more influencing people who have planets in the mutable cross: Gemini-Sagittarius-Virgo-Pisces, by square, opposition and conjunction.

Ocean Whispers Oracle Power Animals: Sign by Sign

He Saturn transit through Pisces It will move different areas in the personal and collective. That’s why there is a sea power animal that corresponds to each of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Aries Sea Power Animal: The Dolphin

Dedicate yourself to new projects. Drop the phrase “I don’t have time” and organize yourself better. Be aware of priorities, what is valuable and what is not. Use enthusiasm and inspiration to move forward, with the help of the magical and playful energy of the dolphin.

Taurus Sea Power Animal: The Manta Ray

Manta rays clean the sea floor, doing a great service to the ocean floor. You are entering a new phase of your life, and it is necessary to clean up what no longer adds value to your life: environments, objects, places. Remember that letting go, healing, cleaning, will make room for the new.

Gemini Sea Power Animal: The Humpback Whale

The annual migration of the humpback whale is one of the longest for any mammal on the planet. The energy of this whale encourages you to keep moving, not to get stuck in fear, even if the journey is difficult and circular is intimidating. Progress will come through courage and daring.

Cancer Sea Power Animal: Coral

Corals are home to thousands of species of fish, and a wide variety of marine life. In a network, corals support and contain marine flora and fauna. On this occasion, they remember that letting go of omnipotence and embracing, asking for help and letting oneself be supported, supposes great humility and love. Remember: the network is.

Leo’s Sea Power Animal: The Crab

The crab doesn’t just move forward, it can also go backwards and to the sides. This means that moving forward is not always the best strategy, nor the only one. Crab medicine reminds you that going back to check mistakes or stepping aside when something doesn’t flow is also progress and evolution.

Virgo Sea Power Animal: The Hammerhead Shark

The hammerhead shark’s eyes are located in such a way that they have a 360 degree viewing angle, they see what is happening above, below and to both sides. The energy of these magnificent animals encourages you to look at things from different perspectives, with more flexibility. Do not stay with a single option, a single opinion or a single way of thinking.

Libra’s Sea Power Animal: The Sailfish

The sailfish is a symbol of power, with a forceful, colorful and majestic appearance. They are also some of the fastest fish in the sea. The medicine they bring invites us to be direct, agile, determined, and not to hide. Our expression and creativity are necessary, our talents deserve to come to light.

Scorpio Sea Power Animal: The Jellyfish

Jellyfish are transparent and have a visible, powerful and hypnotic internal glow. They let themselves be carried away by the currents, trusting in the sea and its waves. Likewise, they ask you for more connection with your authenticity, there is no need to hide. Your brilliance exists and it is important to show it with more confidence as you let yourself be carried away by the currents of life.

Sagittarius Sea Power Animal: The Starfish

These beautiful invertebrate animals remind us of the power to connect with our own star and personal shine, trusting, but also setting limits when necessary. Their pointed and sharp bodies make them difficult prey for predators and command great respect.

Capricorn Sea Power Animal: The Orca

These beautiful and intelligent mammals travel in groups, constantly protecting their kind and fending off dangers. This beautiful whale reminds us how powerful it is to protect our truth and our codes instead of negotiating with that which has neither heart nor soul. The heart always has the truth.

Aquarius Sea Power Animal: Parrotfish

Parrotfish have sharp teeth that pulverize coral and help create sand. They remind you that even though something seems impenetrable and difficult, sometimes it’s a matter of breaking it down into smaller parts in order to achieve it. Patience, tenacity and a little bit every day bring us closer to the place where we want to be.

Pisces Sea Power Animal: The Nautilus

These mollusks have been on the planet for 500 million years. They are bearers of great wisdom and keep in their memory the akashic records of humanity. In the same way, you have ancestral memories and a great perception and radar that connects you with everything. Use that precious key to leave a mark on the passage through this planet. You can be its guardian and use it wisely.

Information provided by Julieta Suárez Valente, astrologer and founder of Multiespacio Evolutivo.

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