OQLF Controversy: Renaming of Ye Olde Orchard Pub to Orchard Public House

2023-11-11 00:55:32

The Irish pub formerly known as Ye Olde Orchard Pub was renamed Orchard Public House following a complaint to the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) which required the establishment to add a description in French in his trade name.

• Read also: OQLF: Ye Olde Orchard forced to become “Le Vieux Verger”?

After 27 years with the same name, the establishment’s sign was changed this week, the Montreal Gazette THURSDAY.

“We [avons fait le changement] according to the recommendations that the OQLF sent us the first time, said Joe Pilotte, co-owner and vice-president of operations.

In May 2023, the Irish pub was the subject of a complaint sent to the OQLF because its sign did not include any description of its activities in French. To comply with the law, the establishment would have had to add “a credits, description or slogan” by renaming itself, for example, “Pub Ye Olde Orchard”.

“It is up to the company to choose the means that suit it to comply with the law. The Office is therefore awaiting the company’s proposal for correction concerning the display of its trademark,” detailed the OQLF.

However, the display rules are set to change from June 2025. In order to be sure not to have to change the brand twice, the restaurateur preferred to adopt a new name in French.

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